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How do you Shorten the QCII times?
Posted: Sun May 10, 2015 9:58 am
by Moneyrola
I've got an XTS5000 VHF, conventional mode.
I've been so unsuccessful in programming this radio to alert for QCII tones it's beyond comparison.
The latest word I've received is that the Dispatch Center has somehow shortened the length of the alert sent out.
How do I reconfigure an XTS5000 to accept shorter QCII tone durations?
ie. normal radio looks for Tone A (1000) for 3 seconds, and Tone B (1500) for another 3 seconds,
The configuration I need is Tone A duration 1.0 seconds, and Tone B 1.5 seconds.
Firmware is 20.0, radio has QCII system and QCII lists showing in the Tree with the correct tones in place. I just don't see a place to change this duration.
Re: How do you Shorten the QCII times?
Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 12:33 am
by Moneyrola
Bumped...... 46 people looked at this.... No one has an answers?
Moneyrola wrote:I've got an XTS5000 VHF, conventional mode.
I've been so unsuccessful in programming this radio to alert for QCII tones it's beyond comparison.
The latest word I've received is that the Dispatch Center has somehow shortened the length of the alert sent out.
How do I reconfigure an XTS5000 to accept shorter QCII tone durations?
ie. normal radio looks for Tone A (1000) for 3 seconds, and Tone B (1500) for another 3 seconds,
The configuration I need is Tone A duration 1.0 seconds, and Tone B 1.5 seconds.
Firmware is 20.0, radio has QCII system and QCII lists showing in the Tree with the correct tones in place. I just don't see a place to change this duration.
Re: How do you Shorten the QCII times?
Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 8:12 am
by jmfirefighter20
I don't believe there is a way for you to adjust the duration of tones. I just read one of my XTS5k's that also has R20 firmware and can see no setting.
I don't think it really matters the "duration" of the tone, as long as the tone pair is a valid pair for the radio. I know when I set up my console paging in Centracom Gold Elite there are several Quick Call II formats available (QCIIe, QCIIb, etc,.) and they all have different timings. We run the QCIIb format here.
If you'd like to send me a copy of your codeplug I can look at all your settings and make sure you have it set up right. Let me know and I'll send you my email address via PM.
Re: How do you Shorten the QCII times?
Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 9:12 am
by ai4ui
I think you're missing a step or two. The radio does not care how long the tones are as long as the A tone is 1 second and the B tone is more than 1 second. Since I don't know what step you may have missed I'll list them all. This is a way, not "THE" way. The method I am describing is for at least a Model II and that you are wanting to be able to toggle between muting the radio and monitoring the channel that you get pages on. Bear in mind I haven't done this in a while and I'm operating from memory.
Read your radio or open a codeplug.
In the conventional section of the tree:
First go to the Quik-Call II system and set the call format. If you do not use a group page then set it for just A - B. If you use a long tone group page as well and it is the B tone then select A-B/Long B. If your group tone is the A tone, or a completely different tone then selecte A-B/Long C. Now scroll down and set up your tones. You can enter the frequency directly or use the picklist for Motorola tones. If your group page is your A tone you will need to set the C tone with the same tone as the A tone.
Open the advanced tab and pick what kind of reset you want. If you select manual you will need to assign a button for reset. I like to use the purple button. You will also need to assign a button or menu item for VMUT. This will allow you to mute the radio except for when it receives a page, but unmute it when you want to listen to the channel. There are two choices for automatic reset - AUTO: A set amount of time regardless of traffic on the channel or AUTO w/carr: a set amount of time but the radio will continue to be unmuted after the time is up if there is a carrier present. I like Auto w/carrier and a 30 second timer. Don't worry about pre-time unless you are going to be transmitting pages. If you are going to be transmitting pages through a repeater then you're going to want a little pre-time. The default of a half a second should be sufficent.
If you want to be able to transmit QCII tones then you can make a list of them in the QCII list, and you will need to create a menu item for this as well.
Next go to Conventional Personality and create yourself a new personality (If only it were that easy, I'd love to be more outgoing and friendly...).
In the RX tab you must be Non-Astro or mixed mode.
In the TX tab you must be non-astro if you are going to be transmitting tones.
In the Signaling tab select Quik-Call II. Set the system number that has your tones you want to decode.
Then go on over to the Quik-Call II tab and check the boxes for Call Alert Decode and In-Call User Alert Enabled.
Now go into the Zone Channel assigment and assign your new conventional personality to the conventional channel that you want to receive pages on.
Make sure you have assigned a button for reset and a menu item for VMUT and write this into the radio.
That should just about do it.