3RU 150W SLR Repeater in the Works
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3RU 150W SLR Repeater in the Works
Or so a little birdy told me...........
Re: 3RU 150W SLR Repeater in the Works
Can't be any worse than that god awful MTR 3000... Agreed?
Re: 3RU 150W SLR Repeater in the Works
Really? You don't like the MTR3K? They've been like it's predecessor - go in once, and not fail.
Re: 3RU 150W SLR Repeater in the Works
MTR3000 doesn't support simulcast
Re: 3RU 150W SLR Repeater in the Works
Well, the MTR2000 was pedestrian at best for simulcast. You can never quite get the audio levels perfect across the aural band which always resulted in a little grind from the PL.
Re: 3RU 150W SLR Repeater in the Works
I wonder how the RX specs compare to a MTR3000/MTR2000/MSR2000/MICOR
Re: 3RU 150W SLR Repeater in the Works
I don't care one bit for the MTR 3000. Interfacing anything to it is difficult if not impossible (poorly implemented external features), the wireline board is a JOKE (it's very literally a tone remote adapter on a card wired into GPIO pins on the backplane, go set one up, you'll see), you need to call the SSC for every little thing you want to do it, like Jeff says, it doesn't do simulcast (OOPS!) and its just UGLY.
And as far as being like it's predecessor, go in once and not fail, uh, right... I've worked with many a dead MTR 2000 AND MTR 3000! Not to mention the last MTR 3000 we had fail sat in the depot waiting for parts for SIX MONTHS. I have documentation.
And as far as being like it's predecessor, go in once and not fail, uh, right... I've worked with many a dead MTR 2000 AND MTR 3000! Not to mention the last MTR 3000 we had fail sat in the depot waiting for parts for SIX MONTHS. I have documentation.
Re: 3RU 150W SLR Repeater in the Works
That's not my experience. Granted - I've only put in dozens of MTR2K's, and maintain about 100 in my territory, but I've only had two fail in my career, and they were both power supply problems. One took a hit on the AC line smoking the MOV's. The other croaked after a dozen years of service - it never recovered after loss of site power. Overall, as base stations and repeaters, either stand alone or in an LTR, they have been the Duracell Bunny. I'm not particularly fond of the expansion port for interfacing to the thing, but it works. I've never had any of the problems I hear about from other people.
Re: 3RU 150W SLR Repeater in the Works
I run one as my ham repeater, and knock on wood, it's been damn reliable. Like anything they do fail eventually, but it's the MTR 3000 I truly don't like.
Anyway this is way off topic for the subject, so back to the topic of the 3RU mystery repeater. Any FCC ID info?
Anyway this is way off topic for the subject, so back to the topic of the 3RU mystery repeater. Any FCC ID info?
Re: 3RU 150W SLR Repeater in the Works
I think they are planning on boxing in a TPL amplifier and running it off an SLR5700, though I'm not aware of any 2 RU 150W output amplifiers? Last I checked it was a glass :o to get a 150W amplifier at a reasonable price and the jump from 125 to 150 watts basically doubled the cost of the amp
Re: 3RU 150W SLR Repeater in the Works
Yeah but at least the MTR2000 doesn't have a slight TX delay that changes every time the station power cycles. The MTR3k does, and it's a range of something like 0-100MS, so anyone trying to use MTR3k will have great fun realigning the whole got damn system every time there's a station rebootBill_G wrote:Well, the MTR2000 was pedestrian at best for simulcast. You can never quite get the audio levels perfect across the aural band which always resulted in a little grind from the PL.
Re: 3RU 150W SLR Repeater in the Works