Tone Remote Adapter recommendations?

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Tone Remote Adapter recommendations?

Post by Apu »

Any suggestions on tone remote adapters to use or to stay away from? Motorola? Zetron? GAI-Tronics?

EMS station currently just using portable radios. Looking to take a CDM mobile and connect it to three or four desksets. Minimum requirements are to have a single VHF High channel (dispatch channel) in the various locations. Down the road, we may want to add a second radio, either set to one channel or steerable, but that's a lower priority.

P.S. Any problem connecting the tone remote adapter to the radio and then paralleling one external speaker off of the same radio for fixed-level, receive-only audio near the bathrooms?
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Re: Tone Remote Adapter recommendations?

Post by RFguy »

I like the Gaitronics ITR1000/ITR2000 models. They are reliable, good handsets.

CPI's are a bit cheap and don't stand up as well.
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