L3276A Tone Remote Adapter; 2Wire v. 4 Wire

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L3276A Tone Remote Adapter; 2Wire v. 4 Wire

Post by kb4mdz »

Friday afternoon tearing my hair out.

Have (2) of the L3276 TRA's and I've been using them to test out a CPI TR10-16F-FD (which includes it being 4Wire).

Even tho the 3276 has just a single DIP switch section, SW3-3, to go from 2Wire to 4 Wire, it doesn't seem to switch into 4 Wire mode. Thing works fine in 2Wire mode; PTT, change channels, Monitor, etc. A 2Wire 4freq. remote works fine. If I put my 16freq. to 2 Wire mode, all works fine; change channels, PTT, everything.

When I change SW3-3 either direction, I hear some of the relays click OK, but nothing else. Levels are the same, tones are on freq. (TIMS set)

What am I missing?
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Re: L3276A Tone Remote Adapter; 2Wire v. 4 Wire

Post by Dorf411 »

Note that the Motorola way of doing the TX and RX naming of the wires is not what you would consider logical. TX from the L3276 is actually the RX audio going away from the L3276 to the tone remote. RX audio would be your TX audio from the tone remote going into the L3276. I am pretty certain I have pulled my hair out on this a time or two. Could this be your problem?
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Re: L3276A Tone Remote Adapter; 2Wire v. 4 Wire

Post by kb4mdz »

Yup. That's it. When it goes to 4 Wire; Radio RX audio moves to the outside pair (wires 1 & 4 of a 4 wire jack) and TX is on the inner; (2 & 3).

problem solved. All it took was a couple banjos & alligator clip leads & a fresh head.
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