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CDM1250 encode to HT1250 Decode and ALERT

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2015 11:58 am
by cbroseinak
Trying to get a CDM1250 to encode MDC to a HT1250 which will receive the MDC signal which will cause HT1250 portable to go into an Alert/Alarm mode. I am assuming this is possible by looking at the programing, but damned if I can get it to work.

The need is for a Emergency Medical tech at a mine to alert off duty mine medical personel of an incomming patient by an anoying alert able to awake them from sleep with preferably one button press, not a button press and then a mic PTT which is capable using QCII encode capabilities of the CDM1250.

If one button press would send QCII, I would use that, but it seems on button press is only allowed desinating the button as Emergency, but requires MDC to use it that way.

Re: CDM1250 encode to HT1250 Decode and ALERT

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 6:40 am
by jackhackett
I don't believe an HT1250 will do emergency decode. If you look under the MDC settings you will probably see the "emergency decode" checkbox greyed out so you can't turn it on.

Re: CDM1250 encode to HT1250 Decode and ALERT

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 4:01 pm
by escomm
HT1550XLS will decode emergency

Re: CDM1250 encode to HT1250 Decode and ALERT

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 5:58 pm
by cbroseinak
You are correct Jack the HT1250 wont decode, encode only, and escomm I did find out about the Ht 1550XLS too, so you too are right on with your info. I ended up using an XPR4450 and XPR3500 for testing and it was an easy deal getting it all going, now I'm just working thru the little check box details to fine tune it all.

Once again thank you or your help batboarders!!