Installing M1225 rss in windows 3.1 ???

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Installing M1225 rss in windows 3.1 ???

Post by Satelite »

Havent installed a copy of m1225 in a dos laptop with windows 3.1 in way too long and forgot the commands and procedure.
That being admitted how does a guy go about installing a m1225 rss back into a repaired dos 6.2 laptop with windows 3.1 ?
I do have the original m1225 rss 3.5 diskettes that are to be inserted into my drive bay A:> which is my 3.5 inch diskette drive bay.
Can someone provide the commands to put it into my win 3.1 operating system ?
Also I have seen others that the computer boots up into dos mode then you type in cd\windows to go to windows where as others boot up into windows and you exit windows by alt f4 option.
If I wind up seeing my computer boot up into windows then how do I change that to boot up into dos 6.2 on power up ?
Thank you
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Re: Installing M1225 rss in windows 3.1 ???

Post by Wiregeek »

Wow, Windows 3.1


OK, from memory, Windows 3.1 actually runs 'on top of' Dos. So, during the boot process, your machine will start off of Dos, and the last line in the autoexec.bat should be c:\windows\win.exe (or similar, or just WIN). If you edit that file (the EDIT command should Just Work), you can comment out the line in question (which causes it not to be executed) by adding REM to the beginning of it.

So now it reads

and your machine starts up to a command prompt.

Starting up into Windows and then exiting to DOS is also a valid tactic, IIRC. Also, you may want to try running your M1225 rss in a Windows XP virtual machine or a DOSBox on a modern PC.

HVN9054 4.0 is what I use for the old 1225s, runs a treat in a Windows XP mode on my 32 bit win7 machine.
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Re: Installing M1225 rss in windows 3.1 ???

Post by Satelite »

Hello Wiregeek
Yeppers WOW 3.1 windows :-)
Yes id agree running 1225 in a newer machine would be a better option.
But heres what led me to a win 3.1 laptop with dos 6.2
Too many Hams are using Maxtracs / GM300 / 1225s / etc and being able to program the dos radios takes an ancient dos computer and win 3.1 will do the 1225 radios so just worked out that way for compatibility of these radio types.
But then again those with cdm mobiles and such WELL yeah now youd be better off going newer XP windows.
Theres no easy for all answer here and since I have a few Dos laptops and windows 3.1 program disks = Yep now you see why I might go that route.
Getting pretty attached to my beer now with the issues getting win 3.1 to take 1225 program.
I know its possible as I found one of my old lap tops with 3.1 win and way back I apparently put the 1225 program on it and it does read and program a 1225 mobile but its slower than crap ill tell you.
Not a lot of the 1225s out with the hams in my area but enough to make it worth while considering theres a bunch of maxtracs etc that require a Dos 6.2 platform.
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