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DIGITAC 5V Failure?

Posted: Tue May 17, 2016 10:16 pm
by d119
Finally had my DIGITAC comparator take a big dump on me. I have the 5V FAIL LED illuminated, as well as the "LOW VOLTAGE" LED illuminated.

I seem to recall the DC-DC converters on the card with these LED's on it were an issue. Replacing the Artesyn 12V to 5V converter should fix this, correct?

Anyone experienced this?

Re: DIGITAC 5V Failure?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 4:20 am
by Bill_G
Never had one break. Dozens put into service in the 80's-90's. All taken out and sent to auction in the last decade. No service activity in between. I may even have one laying around the shop. Let me check. Don't hold your breath. The company has been trying to sell this building, and lots of kewl stuff in the attic has disappeared.

Re: DIGITAC 5V Failure?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 9:46 am
by d119
Let me know, Bill. It's for my personal stuff. Could use whatever you have available for spares. I ordered another DC-DC converter, we'll see if that does it. I seem to recall this having been the second or third DIGITAC I've seen do this.

Re: DIGITAC 5V Failure?

Posted: Wed May 18, 2016 1:58 pm
by Bill_G
Okay. Unfortunately, they are gone.

Re: DIGITAC 5V Failure?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 2:21 pm
by d119
No worries, I was able to locate a replacement 5V DC-DC converter module on the 'Bay. Replaced it and the comparator is back in service. For anyone who experiences "+5V FAIL" and "LOW VOLTAGE" on a DIGITAC comparator, likely culprit is the 5V DC-DC converter box that is mounted to the Peripheral card of the comparator. Desolder, replace, resolder, carry on.