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XTS5000 Programming Issues

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 3:26 pm
by lyndonrescue13
I just purchased an XTS5000, and have built a code plug to suit the needs i am looking for.... I work multiple jobs that use the radio, so i am trying to make this one a "do all" for when im not on duty.

The majority of the radio program is a clone of what I use at work, same first 16 zones and channels and labels, and same scan list.

The problem comes when I added in an additional zone for another one of my jobs (call it hospital). I made a new zone with new conventional for all the channels in that done. Some of the frequencies are the same as ones that are in the first 16 zones but i wanted them to be "separate" in the radio.

I made a "scan list 2" for the hospital zone, using only the new personalities all assigned (scan list: 2)

When in scan list 1, channels from scan list 2 pop up??

What would cause a channel that is set up exactly the same, with the same freq and PLs... and different personality but set up the same.. to have 1 of them work and one of them not work. It is a digital channel.

Thoughts?... places to look? I have a feeling this is a simple mistake something i missed.