CM300 ToT

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CM300 ToT

Post by ufdemt15 »

I am trying to extend the time out timer beyond 30 seconds or to disable it completely. In CPS it will only let you put up to 30 seconds before it defaults back to 30. Any ideas? Is there a way to disable the circuit in the radio or maybe alter the programming software?

For other searching I know sister models are cm200 and pm400.
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Re: CM300 ToT

Post by jackhackett »

I think if you set it to zero seconds it disables it, I can check for sure on Monday. You can also try looking in the CPS 'help', it should give that information.
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Re: CM300 ToT

Post by SteveC0625 »

ufdemt15 wrote:I am trying to extend the time out timer beyond 30 seconds or to disable it completely. In CPS it will only let you put up to 30 seconds before it defaults back to 30. Any ideas? Is there a way to disable the circuit in the radio or maybe alter the programming software?

For other searching I know sister models are cm200 and pm400.
What version of the CPS are you using?

I have the latest (R05.18) and on it, the there are actually two time-out timers. They are set on the personality screen for each different personality. Time-Out Timer (sec) is the max time that the radio will transmit before it drops carrier. There is no Zero setting; it starts at 15 seconds, goes up to 180 seconds and has an INFINITE setting as well. Setting it at INFINITE would disable it. This is the "sit on the mic button" timer.

The second one is Time-Out Timer (delay) which determines the amount of time the radio sits in Menu Mode without a key press before automatically exiting Menu Mode. That one is 1 to 255 seconds max in one second increments. I suspect you are trying to change this one thinking it is the transmit Time-Out Timer (sec).

It's all in the Help file.
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Re: CM300 ToT

Post by jackhackett »

Okay, now that I have access to my CPS I can see what's going on.

Under 'Programmable Menu' there's a Time Out Timer setting that goes from 1 to 30, this is for the menu time out.

Under each personality there are two Time Out settings:
1) Time Out Timer (15 seconds to infinite) will select the transmit time out
2) Time Out Timer Delay (0-255 seconds) selects the amount of delay before you can re-key after a timeout.

You need to be in 'expert' mode from the 'view' menu to access any of these settings.
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Re: CM300 ToT

Post by SteveC0625 »

Jack has it right. I apologize for reading faster than I should have.
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Re: CM300 ToT

Post by Bill_G »

Ah - Ye Olde Expert Mode Dilemma yet again. Doh!
Catches so many people. Been on the phone support side of at least three calls recently that ended quickly after the five words "Are you in Expert Mode?"
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