XTS5000 VHF poor receive

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XTS5000 VHF poor receive

Post by radiocat37 »

Good evening,

I have an XTS5000-M3 VHF and when compared to my other VHF radios the receive is not good. I verified the antennas by switching them and got the same results. I have astro tuner, but the VHF RX adjust is not an option. Are there any known common receive issues with these? I have been programming these (and other astro series) for years and have not seen one like this.
Brian Griffin: Ah, if my memory serves me, this is the physics department.
Chris Griffin: That would explain all the gravity.

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Peter: No, I'm just exhausted because I've been up all night drinking.
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Re: XTS5000 VHF poor receive

Post by jpu535 »

I don't have any 5000's just all 2500's but in the conventional personality tab there is a field to adjust one of the squelch settings called squelch fine tune. The higher the number the stronger the signal required to break squelch. All our 2500's are set at 6. The help screen says this control works in conjunction with the master squelch. I'm not sure where the master squelch is located it might be in the service mode. I can't recall off hand how to put the radio into service mode manually.

Could it be something as simple as too tight a squelch? If not you might want to have it aligned.
Posts: 1652
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What radios do you own?: APX XTS XTL TRBO 900MHZ

Re: XTS5000 VHF poor receive

Post by N4KVE »

I set mine to 1. GARY.
was Fire4117
Posts: 422
Joined: Sun Feb 08, 2004 5:37 pm

Re: XTS5000 VHF poor receive

Post by firecomm »

N4KVE wrote:I set mine to 1. GARY.
Same here for SQL setting 1
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