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Sort available scan list channels in MOTOTRBO CPS

Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 1:03 pm
by kj5kg
Hello gurus!

I have about two hundred available channels to add to my scan lists. In the scan list window they appear in the order that they were added. This makes it very time consuming (at least for me) to manually look through the list to find channels to add to a new scan list. Does anybody know if there is a way to sort the available channels list alphabetically?

I am using MOTOTRBO CPS Version 15.5 (Build 797)

I have tried the Googles on teh interwebz but not found a useful answer.


Re: Sort available scan list channels in MOTOTRBO CPS

Posted: Tue May 22, 2018 11:34 am
by com501
Not really. You can search the scan list available channels by the first letter of the channel name. The order you put them in the scan list itself determines in what ORDER they are scanned (top to bottom). In the left windows, type the letter or number of the channel you want to find (ei: 'W' for 'Worldwide' etc.) Sort for your letter will find the first member in the list and then any subsequent names with the same first letter. The sort will roll over to the first name again if you missed the channel you were looking for the first time.