Is it possible to set up a Centracom Gold Series B&L operator position as a remote op, similar to the way you'd do it with Gold Elite CIE's using a ROCI/CORI combo?
Something tells me it might be possible to use the CORI on the B&L position - does this make any sense?
Centracom Gold B&L - Remote Operator Positions?
Moderator: Queue Moderator
Re: Centracom Gold B&L - Remote Operator Positions?
Yes, it is possible. The hardware is included in the B&L service manual. Design details are in the System Planner document. You may be able to locate one at your local dealer/service shop and borrow or photocopy it.
Re: Centracom Gold B&L - Remote Operator Positions?
I'm *fairly* certain I have that documentation either here at home, or at work. Thanks for the reference, I'll take a look through it.