XPR8400 Issue

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Stage 2
Posts: 89
Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2005 7:08 am
What radios do you own?: HT1000,MT1000, HT50,MAXTRAC

XPR8400 Issue

Post by Stage 2 »

One of our onsite XPR8400 Repeaters has an issue for which I hope someone can offer some insight. Before doing this for a short period of time last week and then ceasing to do so, it now has the problem that won't go away. It is set for analog use. The unit is transmitting a continuous "pop-pop-pop" etc. making it not useable. I looked at the unit and then TX A light is a steady green while the RX A light is a pulsing yellow. After trying to power down the unit and then turning it back on, to see if the repeater was simply transmitting some sort of interference that was being sent to it, I programmed one of the portables that are used in the system to receive the repeater input, but, nothing is being transmitted to the repeater.

I am tasked with reaching out to a service shop, but, am being also asked how much it may cost to repair. Its kind of tough to estimate this when you don't know what is happening. :o Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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