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APX8000 MDC Call list

Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2020 8:36 am
I have an APX8000 that I am trying to put MDC alias list in the current radios they use are MT1500. I can export a .cvs file of the list but is there a way to import it into APX? I looked at the import function on the APX and it looks like its just for trunking call lists. Am I missing something? I would rather not type all 250 of the alias list in if I don't have to. Thanks!!

Re: APX8000 MDC Call list

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 5:01 pm
by John
If you create a MDC call list with the correct number of blank entries you can then open your CVS in Excel then copy. Go into APX CPS and select the first row and column of your MDC list and Paste. Should put everything in assuming the format is correct.