Ruggedized “R” Saber batteries

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MT2000 man
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Ruggedized “R” Saber batteries

Post by MT2000 man »

Realizing these are long since gone from Motorola, it seems that there isn’t even an aftermarket battery maker for this. Unless I’m not looking in the right places. All I see are the occasional ones that come up on eBay but those are already long since dead.

What’s everyone doing now with these R radios ? ( besides swapping the cases with a standard case, or just using the R as a museum piece haha ). Really would like to get some R radios up and running again.
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Re: Ruggedized “R” Saber batteries

Post by SYNTORX71MAN »

I had some MINT Saber R's about 10 years ago and sold them. I searched LONG and HARD and could not find diddly in batteries Shame really. Good luck you have a better chance winning powerball.
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Re: Ruggedized “R” Saber batteries

Post by MT2000 man »

Yep, I had an absolute mint Astro Saber 2 R and actually ended up selling it to a member here on Batlabs about 5-7 years ago or so. Loved that radio but the batteries were nowhere to be found, even back then. Now forget it.

There’s a seller on eBay selling R Saber batteries but they are all dead. Supposedly you can have them re-celled but no idea what companies would do that / how much that would cost.

Either way - definitely not worth the headaches.
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Re: Ruggedized “R” Saber batteries

Post by FireCpt809 »

Last new R battery I had was a Christmas gift from my wife probably 10 years ago.. She found it from Panter .. he even sent a christmas card.. in English
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