I have been trying to hook up a W3 handset control head to a high power, 110w radio with the normal TIB used for a 05 Control head. The radio is properly flashed for W3, high power. I have used the W3, PMLN4959A Control cable that has 25 pin connectors on each end and also an Accessory power Connector on the cable. It’s the normal rear accessory connector that you will find on the back of a low or mid power XTL radio. I have every single function working, I’m pretty ecstatic except there is no transmit mic audio.
I have tried this with three different transceivers, three different Control Cables and three different W3 handsets. It comes down to something not being correct in the TIB. My next option is I am going to install a high power, XTL TIB made for W series radios. I just received it today and it has two, 25 pin connectors with a round data connector in the middle. So here’s my big question! Has anyone ever been through this before and knows exactly what needs to be done? If so please let me know. If the new W3 TIB I mentioned works I will post an update with all the specifics.
XTL5000 110W, W3 Head Compatibity
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Re: XTL5000 110W, W3 Head Compatibity
You need the W series TIB and ribbon cable for it as well. A TIB for an O series head will not work with any W series head.
It would have been easier to just use an O3 head with what you have.
It would have been easier to just use an O3 head with what you have.