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scammed by guy in texas on ebay selling junk

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 6:50 pm
by idle
i bought 12 motorola xts 5000 from ebay. when the radios came in they where missing all the batteries and the ant. all 12 units came with only 3 chargers. the serial number, model, and flashcode stickers where missing. it took me about 3 weeks to get these programed. when i got the flashcode and serial numbers i gave them to a friend that works for the state police and he ran them through ncic. well guess what all 12 radios where stolen out of pureto rico. well what happened then was i called the local police in pr and found out that they where not stolen but that they sold them because they where so trashed that motorolas warranty didnt fix them. so they sold them as a whole sale item. thats probaly why it took so long to program these. they dont transmitt or recieve. the main board is chracked and the chip in the radio is fried. there goes 12.000 dollars. NOT. i went to this guys house (he lives in Texas) and showed up with the local police. ( i had a friend who works for the fbi and he helped me out) and demanded my money back. well guess what he didnt have it one thing after could not find any thing didnt know what i was talking about. so i ended up takeing him to court. well when we where in court he found out that he had 35 out standing felony warrants. so i got my money back and got to keep the radios. i sold all but 12 and bought a xts 3500 800mhz. i guess this guy sell :o. has this happend to any one????????

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 6:55 pm
by 10-95
What is his Ebay I.D.?? I am sure we would all like to take a look at this guys feedback.


Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 6:56 pm
by Al
A sad tale, to be sure. But how about identifying 'this guy in Texas' so we'll all know who to steer clear of?

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 6:56 pm
by jcobb
Ok, folks! Step right up! The line forms to the right!

The show has already started, but there are plenty of tickets left!

Come one, come all! Don't miss the bit SHOWWWWWWWWW.

He walks, he talks, he's full of chalk! Step right up for the greatest show on earth!



PS: anybody recall where the "chalk" part is from? You get an "attaboy".....

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 7:46 pm
by 601
If they were questionable radios, why did you resell them? Selling known stolen property can get you in some serious hot water. Kinda surprising that the police let you keep evidence. There was someone else a while back trying to sell XTS radios, ripping people off.... Could this be the same person? :roll:


Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 8:06 pm
by n9upc
Was there not a post to long ago about someone who bought a bunch of XTS's off of EBay for really really cheap, something like it turned out to be about $250.00 a radio.

I sell on EBay a fair amount and I kind of sell radios cheap. Why cause I want to get rid of them. (Really I have to as my turtledove says so.) But if you can Buy an XTS for really cheap, remember to good to be.......

I have brought this point up before and I am bringing it up again. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THE BAD BUYERS AND SELLERS ON EBAY.

I myself know some people who are good honest hard working part time firefighters/EMTS/law enforcement. They like the radio hobby as well as have permission to go and use a radio legally on the law/ems/ff bands. But they get screwed by someone on EBay who flys in at night, and either: 1.) Pawns off goods and then takes off after they get the money, or 2.) Sells you broken, defective, or severly damaged stuff that maybe if you got 10 more might make one that works.

I call out to all batlabs that we should have a sticky or we need to start some web sites or something where people can go and find out about bad EBayers. I am trying to get some server/host space to make a site like this but for know I may have to make it on MSN communities or Yahoo groups for know.

Anyone else got ideals?????

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 8:09 pm
by FFParamedic571
Call me skeptical .. But something sounds really " fishy" with this story....

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 8:30 pm
by ltec123
I know I might get fried for this but I'll go at it anyway.

If you look at this guys post history, he lives in NH, same place our "friend" lives (needed that codes for there), went to texas?does not use upper case, and has friends in the FBI?

Sounds like a load of "BS to me!

Please don't grill me if you think I am wrong....

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 8:31 pm
by jcobb
Yeah, that was the point of my post.

If they were sold "as is" (I know, I know, eBay watch-words), then what was the recourse and reason for cops to show up at his house?

If you then went to court, no one knew before hand that the person had felony warrants?

After court, you got both the money AND the radios? That weren't stolen after all? Legal-aid could have gotten him off of that, and criminal court would have kept the radios for future/current prosecution......

Hmmmm, who else do we know that doesn't know how to spell, doesn't use capital letters, and loves improper sentence structure.........

I'm tired of playing. Call me when the next game starts.


Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2003 9:02 pm
by alex
OK, that's enough of this one.

I agree with Jack.

There is one place on this board to report this sort of stuff, and that's in the for sale feedback forum. If you want to post a warning regarding someone, post it there. Not in general forum, not in astro, bat lounge, etc.

This isn't a place to come and complain about deals your finding other places that aren't working out. Do your homework, use the phone. Spend the $20 it's going to cost you in time and long distance bills and make sure your dealing with good people. If it's questionable, use the USPS so that it's a federal offence to scam someone using the mail...

THINK! Use your heads.

If the deal didn't happen thorugh batlabs, then I don't want to hear about it. Hopefully i speak for the board.

I am not saying warnings aren't ok, just keep them to the feedback forum.


(steps off the soapbox). I think i'm going to have to make a policy statement about this soon. This is getting nuts.