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Motorola Radius M130 COR
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 10:12 am
by wd9cms
I have a Motorola M130 radio that I would like to use as a receive radio in a GR repeater configuration and the radio does not have COR on pin number 8 on the 16 pin connector. I have tried to use the RSS to program the connector, however, no menu exist for this. I think this radio has a limited logic board and the 16 pin connector is configured from Mototorola. Does any one have any suggestions on how to get a COR signal from the receiver onto the 16 pin connector???????
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 7:56 pm
by Will
The M120 has the pins that can be programmed to do that. I think the 130 is limmited like the SM50 is.
If not I do make up the cable to bring out a valid receive signal and audio to use with my modules as part of the module cost. The other radio in a repeater used as the transmitter does not need a 16 pin connector as the module plugs into the mic jack.
re: modulated...
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 8:37 pm
by Woody_99
Hey, all this talk of modules... Of curiosity, what's the cost?
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 11:42 pm
by April
"all this talk of modules... " I use them to replace troublesome RICKS, and they are about $90 for the repeater version. I just plug the module into the radios and go works.
re: tricky ricky
Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2003 11:45 pm
by Woody_99
Well, that's downright affordable, ain't it? Thanks for the info!
Mental note: Forget RICK, Remember WILL
and I'll pass it on to a fellow that's looking for a rick.
thanks again,
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 10:51 am
by wd9cms
Thanks Will for trying to sell a module....but that does not answering my question. I would like to use this radio with a CAT-1000 repeater controller not a Rick or Rick like module. Does anyone on the board know how to get COR out of a M130???????
Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2003 10:40 pm
by Will
Bill, did you look in the RSS under the screen for Acessory connector options? then look for pin 8 and change it to COS, and program the radio.
Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2003 6:10 am
by wavetar
He's already tried that, and the accessory pin menu isn't there. Pin 8 should normally be defaulted to COR in the masked logic boards, but I don't have an M130 in front of me to check out. I have taken COR in the past from one of the pins in the audio PA. I forget which pin number, but one of them goes from ground to approx 1.3 volts during unmuting, if I remember correctly. Use that voltage to trigger a transistor to ground for your COR.
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 8:57 am
by CTAMontrose
got a pair of M130s, same deal.. no pin 8 COR...
whats the next step? toss these and get something else? lol
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 10:35 am
by wavetar
Follow this link & read kcbooboo's post regarding wiring in a simple transistor circuit to give a COR output. ... or+%2Am130
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 2:55 am
To make the M130 work for RX you have to program the radio as a repeater on the RSS.
Change to repeater mode and program the radio.... it WILL work.
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 2:56 am
To make the M130 work for RX you have to program the radio as a repeater on the RSS.
Change to repeater mode and program the radio.... it WILL work.
Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2005 10:02 am
by wavetar
RADIONET wrote:Hey,
To make the M130 work for RX you have to program the radio as a repeater on the RSS.
Change to repeater mode and program the radio.... it WILL work.
Yes, this was recently discussed in this thread here:
I believe you were the person I'm referring to who posted about using repeater mode before. Good info.