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Radio Techs

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 7:26 am
It seems as though the "CANS" are a bit hot under the Collar!

Next time I see you Will, I guess I'll help pull the dagger out of your back.

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2003 8:21 pm
by Justin
Ditto here Jim. I'll bring the bandages and Isopropyl.

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 4:18 pm
by wavetar
All I know is if I came on the board & constantly said things like "most hams are morons", or "most hams can hardly read their call signs", or "most dispatchers are fat & stupid"...I'd get flamed to a crisp within minutes. Yet some people can generalize & slam MSS techs all they wish with impunity. Double standard.



Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 5:12 pm
by RidgeRunner
Did I miss something?

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 7:44 pm
by Will
NO!!! Todd is just overflowing, again.

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 5:37 am
by wavetar
Maybe so, but it doesn't change the fact that it's true.

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 7:46 pm
by Nand
Will wrote:Todd, you may be able to follow the alignment procedures in the manual, but most of the socalled MSS/Dealer techs can not even do that. This has been my experiance having to "fix" the DEALER'S many f*%(*_# (mistakes). Just because April, Monty, and a few other realy good techs. take the extra time and effort to make sure the radio works properly is no reason to jump on them, or me.
Todd didn’t question anyone’s technical ability or workmanship here and definitely not April’s, Monty’s or yours. He merely pointed out that he doesn’t think it is proper for April and you to lump all Motorola dealers and techs together with a few bad apples that no doubt exist. Motorola dealers have to meet standards. Their techs have to take regular training courses for the equipment they handle. Test equipment has to be regularly calibrated etc. And Motorola comes around from time to time to check out the service shop.
If you two like to thump your own chest (or each others), fine, but please don’t do that at the expense of anyone else.


April wrote:
If you do not have the correct test equipment to completley realign and compensate the radio, send it to a REAL Motorola tech.. Monty or Will come to mind.
April wrote: You have to know what you are doing. Best leave that to a fully qualified tech/engineer, and not some dammed Dealer.
April wrote:You definetly need a real radio engineer, not some dumb guy or a salesman from a dealer who knows crap about a combinined antenna system.
April wrote: If you have any doubt, and want to save the cost of replacing a burned out final PA module, BIG BUCKS, send it out to Monty for evaulation, or horse arround trying to find a shop/"dealer" who knows what they are doing, most likley costing more $$$.
April wrote: Well that is what Ponytail did and he screwed up a whole lot of radios that way (Ponytail is a so called tech at a big MSS/Dealer).
Will wrote:Has the radio been programmend AND certified by a licensed technician????????? A dealer does NOT know how to correctly program a radio, especially the HT1000.
Will wrote:By using a copy of your own code plug you can test out vairious options and configurations that a " Dealer" may not even know about.
Will wrote:Real Motorola representives do NOT exist. Most are just some stupid salesman from a so called "dealer". Remember, salesmen lie.
Will wrote:Another "dealer" who does NOT KNOW s^(% about the radio or even how to program it.
Will wrote:And Billy Joe Bob could NOT calibrate a radio if he had to. Most "dealers can not even set the frequency or deviation correctly or even care.
And what "dealer" or Billy Joe Bob has a calibrated service monitor that is anywhere near to being on frequency?
Will wrote:He graduated, and now instead of putting componets in the AC plug strip, he IS programming your radio at a socalled "Dealer".
Will wrote:As you can see MOST /\/\ "dealers" are ass holes and just care about making money. Very few know anything about service.
Will wrote:Seems the factory does not allways set them properly, and the "Dealer" does not know how or even care.
Will wrote:Nand, I did and still mean MOST dealers are A** &%^#@. They know no

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 8:09 pm
by RocketNJ
Unfortunately in some areas there are not a lot of competant techs.

Seems not many want to work in the RF industry and the talent pool is drying up.


Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 10:31 pm
by jcobb
Hmmmm. Too easy to start a rant here. So just some observations.

A friend of mine has/had an MSS. The techs there now are getting ready to retire - he has had the shop for a long time. The techs "grew" with the shop, and have a lot of radio experience - both Moto and non-Moto. Most have their ham tickets and are active.

Seems like the "new" techs are more swap and replace oriented rather than fix-it oriented, and haven't the experience (obviously) of the older techs. But today's environment doesn't allow for the kind of RF experience/knowledge that we used to expect, nor is it rewarded. Replace the whole board, charge for it, and move on. Don't spend 3 hours working on it. And with the SMT technology, that attitude is probably more business-wise with today's radios.

Customers don't want to pay the parts cost nor the tech time charges that it takes to keep a shop open today - and when they do, they expect "gold-plated" service for the $49 dollars they spent.

They don't understand why the battery for their HT costs as much or more than the battery in their car (for that matter, neither do I!). Or why a push-button on a control head cost $3.85.

The shops in medium to small areas of service are particularly hard hit. The small town PD/FDs can't afford to buy new radios and pay the high maintenance prices too. And most don't understand that one middle-of-the-night emergency call-out to keep the repeater going will cost as much as a maintenance contract would have, because they hate to pay when they don't see anything happening. So they wait until they have a boat-load of talkies that need work, scream about the high parts/hourly charge, and force good ol' Charlie (that lives in that small town) to cut his price to the bone or even lower.

And then moan when Charlie goes out of business and they have to take their stuff to the "city" to get it fixed. Then they pay even higher prices, but just chalk it up to "big city prices" and "what're ya gonna do?". When the cost of keeping the new radios and the new cop cars on the street gets too high, they reduce costs by firing one of the cops on the beat.

And on the other side is MotherMoto.........

One time I thought about going to work at an MSS and hopefully opening my own shop.

Glad I didn't.


Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 5:10 pm
by dawson75
then theres people like me who would give my right arm to be a tech or in the installation dept at our locl shop (STALEYS) but because i dont have the almighty paper in my hand that says i went to school for it i cant get in but let me ask you guys this question would you want some school jocky fresh out of school thinking he knows everythin or a guy who is willing to learn and do it the right way??????? just curious dont mean to get off the subject....

Re: Radio Techs

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 6:09 pm
MRFLASHPORT wrote:It seems as though the "CANS" are a bit hot under the Collar!

Next time I see you Will, I guess I'll help pull the dagger out of your back.
DISCLAIMER: I am knowingly lowering myself to this level of stupidity. The following statements are my own and do not reflect anyone else's ideas or opinions.


It is because of ignorant people like yourself that there are the problems that are experienced in America today. Y'know what, sh*t happens and people say stupid things. Could it be possible that stupid comments like the ones that you have made are stirring the pot a little? Grow up a little and stop being an a*sh*le, one day you may have a problem and one of those "CANS" helps you out of a pickle. I deal with skells like you every day at work, take your antics somewhere else. FYI if I remember correctly....this site was originally started and maintained by a couple of Canadians....and still is. So...Judge not...lest ye be judged thyself..... And like I told "Astro_Saber" before he got booted, "Don't go away mad, just go away..."

But you probably won't so go and flame away.....

Personally I think the moderators should have yanked this thread a long time ago. Wouldn't have made it 2 hours on the boards I moderate.....

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 6:51 am

I am not going to take the time to go to your level and FLAME this board with insults!

Will has been a TREMENDOUS help to this board and to the many people that use it, Why would anyone take a cheap shot at him? Or April?

To all of us here in Cali, That is a" STAB IN THE BACK "

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2003 7:19 am
by alex
First off,

I don't know where this conversation started or what situation caused it.

Again, I leave for one weekend, and I have to come back and find random threads that I apparently have missed in doing my best to read everything that's posted. Oh well.

Crap like this isn't needed here. If your going to make comments that only 1-2 people are going to get do so in their PM boxes, not out on the board.

Incase there is confusion:
It seems as though the "CANS" are a bit hot under the Collar!

Next time I see you Will, I guess I'll help pull the dagger out of your back.
Is what I'm refering to.

I can't say that I agree or disagree with what has been said here interms of most shops probably not knowing whats going on. I don't deal with the service shops around me much. I do know that you need to check their research before embarking on a large and expensive project.

With that, this topics locked.
