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GTX Corrupted Checksum

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2003 7:33 pm
by N9WZX
I've got a GTX 900 with a corrupted checksum value and was wondering if there is an easy way to trick it into letting me read the code plug and or correcting this problem. It won't allow me to read the code plug or do anything beyond the initial reconizing that the radio is communicating with the programming software. Any help or information will be appreciated. :(

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 1:11 pm
by ARZ902
Try to find a valid code plug, reload and reprogram.

Gtx Corrpted Checsum

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2003 8:50 pm
by N9WZX
I tried to use a valid code plug that I down loaded out of another working GTX, but, it wouldn't let me upload it to the radio. It came back with the error message that the serial numbers did not match the radio. As I'm a newbie at this, I didn't know what to try from that point on and I haven't found anything in the software, etc about being able to change the serial numbers.
Thanks all for the patience and help for a dummy like me.

corrupt codeplug gtx 900

Posted: Wed May 28, 2003 8:06 pm
by n5ztl
You might check which revision rss you are using. I am new to the GTX 900, but did have an 800mhz that had been programmed with revision 4 software that I corrupted the codeplug with an early version software. Lab software was able to blank the board and load a different image, but it is major grief reinitializing the board. I could have saved a lot of trouble by using version 4 or later GTX software. :cry: :evil: