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Help Idetifying this sound

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 9:32 am
by AngelFire_91
Hey all,
I was listening to a new trunked system here I just found and heard some really weird noises. Here is some system info first to maybe help.

800Mhz Type IIi
I belive it's a golf course giving some of the radio traffic I've heard on it. About 9th hole and 18 green. and the license is being held by the city. and all Talkgroups are Analog obviously.

There is this Data that is being transmitted on a couple of talkgroups. I can't seem to find any other thing that sounds like it. I've searched through all the data types I can think of and none sound like this. It kind of sounds like a cross between MDC and a Paging format. I've also heard it on some voice talkgroups also. Here are the clips and the voice one makes for some good listening. :lol: ... ndata.html


Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 3:02 pm
by OX
The first file sounds like several things, 1st is the talkgroup and radio ID preamble from a type 1 system. Type 2i *may* emit that preamble also. 2nd I hear what sounds like a variation of MDC600 PTT-ID, 3rd I hear some sort of data, possibly like a MDT or maybe something like MOSCAD?? Never heard a MOSCAD burst before.

The second wave file is definitely the type 1 talkgroup & radio ID preamble followed by audio. You mentioned you thought it was a golf course. Does your city own any golf courses that are run by the parks and rec dept?

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 7:52 pm
by AngelFire_91
bubbasnest wrote:The first file sounds like several things, 1st is the talkgroup and radio ID preamble from a type 1 system. Type 2i *may* emit that preamble also. 2nd I hear what sounds like a variation of MDC600 PTT-ID, 3rd I hear some sort of data, possibly like a MDT or maybe something like MOSCAD?? Never heard a MOSCAD burst before.

The second wave file is definitely the type 1 talkgroup & radio ID preamble followed by audio. You mentioned you thought it was a golf course. Does your city own any golf courses that are run by the parks and rec dept?
Ok, I thought that first it was the talkgroup and ID but wasn't sure I have never messed around with to many Type 1 systems, So thought that might be the case but wasn't sure. I also thought the Data had a hint of MDC. MOSCAD?? I never thought of that but like you said, I've never heard any type of burst. It defenently got's me stumped.

As far as having any golf course's. Yes my City does own a golf course so I'm pretty sure it's the system for it but why would a golf course need some sort of data transfer?? unless their sprinklers are on some type of system like this? (hummmmm :evil: could be fun if I could figure it out :lol: :lol:) But the bursts are to close together to be switching sprinklers on and off.

Identifying sound

Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 8:31 pm
by kd9000

The central control units of some automated sprinkler systems are constantly polling the remote units for status, i.e. flow when there shouldn't be, flow rate when called for, turning on/off groups of control valves etc.

They may also be using the frequency for local comm channel. :roll:

Just a possibility,


Posted: Tue Jul 15, 2003 8:41 pm
by motorolamonster911
If this is a big golf course where alot of large tournaments take place, the data you could be hearing maybe data for scoring equipment like signs or other devices. Not likely, but I have seen it done.

- Nick

Posted: Wed Jul 16, 2003 2:51 am
by OX
Let me further clarify what I said about the first wav file; I heard ALL of the stuff I mentioned (Type 1 preamble, MDC600 sounding ID, data burst) in each burst. It was kinda like one of those radio contests where they mix up about 10 songs and you have to list them by name, artist and in order. Hey, that could be another thread except with RF data packets....hmmmmm. (Hey Alex!)

It very well could be system info for the watering system or otherwise. Usually that kind of telemetry is on a simplex channel but if they had money and someone who liked to play with radios, it could be on trunking.

Posted: Thu Jul 17, 2003 2:56 pm
by AngelFire_91
motorolamonster911 wrote:If this is a big golf course where alot of large tournaments take place, the data you could be hearing maybe data for scoring equipment like signs or other devices. Not likely, but I have seen it done.

- Nick

It is not that large of a golf course so I'm positive it's not scoring. I'm still thinking it is maybe the sprinklers or something but What kind of data format is it???

Also I'm supprised that they would use 5 or 6 talkgoups for one sprinkler system.

But my main concern or wounder I guess you would say is What type od data format is it??

Thanks for all your help, keep it comming

Posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 8:20 pm
by Twisted_Pear
It really reminds me of GE-Star. Never heard that trunked though.
