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Who actually uses up ALL of the channels on your radio ??

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 8:03 pm
by MT2000 man
Hi all:
I'm wondering how many of you guys/gals out there actually take the time to FILL up your radio with channels. (I'm talking about the 255+ channel radios, like the MTS model III, XTS, etc.) If so, what's in it ???? I can barley fit 30 in my Saber.

So, do most of you "fill em' up", or just program in 1 or 2 banks of 16 channels . . . .or ?????

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 8:57 pm
by Hightower
My AS3 VHF is almost filled - maybe 230 channels
My AS3 UHF is also almost filled - something around 200ish channel.

No problem filling them up here.

I have some same freqs in multiple zones - depending on what I feel like listening to or talking to.

Living in the Chicago area, there are lots of ham repeaters and police to listen to.

Depending on how I'm using my AS3, depends on what Zone I use. If i'm stormchasing for Skywarm, then I have a zone dedicated for skywarm activities. If I'm trying to locate Kerchunkers on the local repeaters, I got a zone setup for that. Sometimes I want to listen to police - they got their own zones. I also have a "quiet zone" that only has freqs that my close friends can get a hold of me, without haveing to listen to stuff I don't want to. It's taken a long time to get all my zones to my liking, but I could not have done what I've wanted to do without haveing 256 channels broken into 16 zones.

I got a HT1250, and its filled completely - not that i use all the freqs all the time, but its nice to have just incase I need them


Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 9:10 pm
by Cowthief

I have a kenwood Th-F6/7.
Even with 400+ channels, I run out of room.
True, it is a 3 band radio, that has a lot to do with it.
Since it is very easy to program with a PC, or PDA, or pocket calculator, I keep a list of what I find with my optoelectronics, and what I find on frequency lists, to distill later, I have sometimes thousands of frequencys to look at.
I am the kind of guy who will carry a spectrum analyzer to offical functions, knowing full well police are afraid of bad press.
I have been known to ask all kinds of questions at such events, they can say no, but usually say yes.


Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 9:31 pm
i have a mts2000 model 3 set up on a county wide smartzone system and with everything(county fire, city fire, ems, talkarounds, public works, schools and everyhtingelse) we use about 80 channels. the "chosen ones" (county administraters and system admins) get full fleetmaps with neighboring counties and whatnot and do use all 255 channels!

Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 9:47 pm
by mancow
I need more in my MTX8000 for sure! I can just about get every trunking system in the state in it but it's close.

To properly monitor the Kansas state wide network you need to fill the entire radio and duplicate the freqs. but with different DCS codes. There are only like 10 or so freqs. but each zone is segregated by DCS. Repeaters freqs. are shared and spaced far enough apart not to interfere then assigned a unique DCS code. The only sure way to know which tower you are catching when travelling is to have the proper tone assigned. When the inversion is up the 800 really travels. With monitor off it's a mess.


Posted: Fri Jul 18, 2003 10:06 pm
by motorolamonster911
Well, even in my Maratrac, if I have a few channels left, I dedicate a few channels to like Mcdonalds or Taco year at the fair I'm going to find out what freq. the wireless mics they use during like the derby and rodeo, then program it in my portable...hehehe :D


Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 3:27 am
by nmfire10
Well, if the radio is also used as a scanner, it is easy to fill up. I filled up the 64 personalities in my CDM1250 a lot faster than I thought. MTS2000 is also filled between work and home. I've never been able to use all 200 in the scanner though. There just isn't that much around here.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 5:22 am
by OX
I've filled my 255 modes on my MTX. I could use another 50 modes and that would fill it up with anything that I would want to hear. Most of it was for emergencies like plane crash, flooding, disaster relief.

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 7:13 am
In my Astro Saber 3 I had 138 channels... Got to be too much. I have 72 now.

My old A4 Analog spectra had 126 modes in it, with a siren hooked up. CP was a little full :P

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:32 pm
by Hightower
Yes, you all have to leave a few channels for McDonalds, burgerking, etc.

I once asked for fresh fries at the drive through, and the girls (over their headsets) told the others to put my fries in the freezer :evil:

When I came to pay, I told her she'd better pull them fries from the frier, and not the freezer, or I'd be talking to the manager. You should have seen the look on her face. It was kinda like this :o

McDonalds story

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 12:51 pm
by sglass
Back when a friend of mine was going to collge in sallisbury, MD for his MBA he used to go by the mcdonalds drive thru every friday night and chit chat with the girls who worked there. It started of with random comments
and they started tryign to talk to him

guys, he ended up dating one of the chicks for about 4 months

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2003 1:02 pm
by n5tbu
Well,I'm a tech,so I have all my customers freqs,good thing they are spread out between lowband,VHF,UHF and 800,otherwise,I would have been out of memory space long ago!lol