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Talk Around on the GTX

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 8:32 pm
by Big BOB
I haven't seen it in the RSS. But is it possible to get Talk Around off the repeater channels in the GTX portable? I hate to waste a whole channel for it. And with the limited number of channels the GTX has I wouldn't be able to have one for each anyway.

I like to know

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 4:40 am
by RidgeRunner
Bob, I would like to know the answer to this myself. As far as I know there isnt such a option, but I'll see how this thread pans out.


Talkaround---GTX Style

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 8:51 am
by kd6kml
There is no ability for the GTX to have a "direct" button like a Systems 9000 or Spectra.

Waht they mean by talkaround is that a channel is not trunking and is not a conventional other words tx and rx are the same....A simplex channel.

I made a printout of my radio last week. Under conventional modes, it gives an "Option Key" with the following listed:
Talkgroup Scan
SS&L (whatever that is)

At the end of each line of freq data is options listed like "YNN" or "YNY"
The first indicated the channel is scanable, the second indicated scanable and simplex

Any idea why at the top of the printout jsut below Motorola Radio Service Software it says "Hammer Mobile"


Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 1:03 pm
by Big BOB
I was just wondering if it was capable. MY MTX portable does it, and you can program which switch you want to use as the direct/simplex/talkaround. its like getting a free channel with each repeater.

Most do

Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2003 3:12 pm
by kd6kml

Most Motorola stuff will do direct or talkaround. No GE stuff except Orion does it.

Most Spectras will do it on 900, or can be forced to.

A programming hint for the jedi series, any freq...
When you have more than one repeater on the same frequency, use the ABC switch to change zones, and have the different repeaters in the channel position..
1A is mountian top Alpha
1B is mountain top Bravo
1C is mountain top Charlie (or simplex)

Real easy to change repeaters


Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 6:47 am
by thehead7
I don't have any experience with GTX, but I have found that if the RSS is not hacked properly (The proper band limits placed to allow talkaround...) then you will not be able to enable TA on both a spectra and an MTS2000...

Then again, I've never touched a gtx. My group has about 19 spectras and 50 some odd mts2000s... I don't have a problem running out of modes, as when I finally get the repeater up, it will be the only 900 in the area for quite some distance... Plus, we're setting it all up for use by our emergency radio group...
