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SP50 programming problem

Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 9:02 pm
by Mike 701
Hi, I am trying to program my SP50, the radio is fully functional and I have programmed this radio with the same computer, same programming cable, same RIB every time. However, this time, whenever I try to read the radio, I get the error #7 - "Invalid opcode" anybody know what this means? If I disconnect the cable, it gives my the no acknowledge error, so I know it's at least communicating with the radio somewhat. I do not get a beep when I try to read it in configuration either. I have also tried changing ports. The RIB is in good working condition. Any thoughts, please fill me in ASAP as I actually need this radio for tomorrow morning! (8/03) Thanks in advance!


Posted: Sat Aug 02, 2003 10:06 pm
by Monty
Hi Mike:

Just tossing in my two cents since I have seen
this many times with Clone Rib Boxes !

Clone Rib Boxes may work fine for a short period, then, for
no reason may take a dive. I presently am making
a " Rib Faq Sheet" explaning in detail why some of these
events occur, and let the reader make their own choice.

Sometimes, its not the Ribs Fault ! but a Fault of the Cable
( which if its a Clone ) or a Hold On type, that can corrupt
the Code Plug.

Generally, invalid Optcode is a timing issue.

MTS Tech Tip:

If you are using a Clone Rib Box ( Especially a Polaris ) Make
Sure the " Rechargable " Batrtery is GOOD, if its more than a
year old, replace it.

If you have a Motorola Rib Box, make sure it has a Fresh
Battery, AND use the Power Supply as well.

Also, make sure the Radio battery is fully charged.

Personally, I do NOT LIKE Rechargable Batteries in any Rib Box( Period ) as the Voltage to some Ribs can be critical to their

Replacement of the Battery may solve the problem
Other than the Computer issue which has been covered over
and over again, make sure you are using DOS 6.22 and a Stable
386-486-25 Series Computer.

Sometimes Defrag / Scan Disc the Hard Drive, and sometimes
Re-install the Software will help too

Unless you are a savvy Computer Type, I would not even
try to program a DOS based RSS Program while under a
Widows Emulation Operating System
