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Any suggestion on "How to destroy 40 HT" ?
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 2:34 pm
by Carl
i have about 40 HT90 VHF with NO CRYSTALS and lot of charger and gang charger... all fast... any idea to destroy this ?
i was wondering to burn them but it's too classic... i throw some by the window at 195 km/h but i don't find them after
i will try to post some pic !
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 4:38 pm
by Robert HT220
Here are some suggestions:
BIG tree chipper
Cutting torch
chop saw
run over with a bulldozer
Not sure what else...
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 5:21 pm
by Radio_Cowboy
Railroad tracks...
Toss out the window while going 70 MPH
Let some of my co-workers have them for a shift...they can destroy ANYTHING.
Give them to cowtipper to come up with some new way of programming them, since the crystal's are gone already.
Give them to Sglass to use for target practice
Volcano Food...enough said
Grinder (bench or portable)
Put em on Ebay for a BIN of 49.95 a piece..chargers extra
give em to your family for self defense weapons
Donate them to David Letterman to use on his show for throwing stuff out the window
Give one to jay leno and tell him that he can talk to letterman while he's tossing the rest out the window
Mail one to R. Lee Earmy and ask him which branch of the service in what war used these for military communications
Get good and drunk with some of the local rednecks....SOMETHING has bound to come up. IF the phrase "hey y' this.." comes up....RUN!
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 5:28 pm
by cfd1736
Hey how about one of those water balloon launchers??? Sounds like fun
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 5:35 pm
by KitN1MCC
rent a steam roller.
if you have any good ones on VHF i migth be interested
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 6:15 pm
by mastr
A suitable drill press equipped with a 3/4 inch drill bit does a fair job of making a radio in-operable, if that is what you need to do.
easy way...
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 7:21 pm
by kd6kml
Mossberg makes a fine 12 guage radio destruction unit....
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 8:16 pm
by srefurd
Takes a little bit of effort but it's worth it.
Take a piece of 3" (or whatever size it takes to fit inside) pvc pipe. Bush it down to 2" install 2" ball valve.
90 degree elbow
short piece of pipe
another 90 elbow
bush it up to 3 inch at least as long a reservoir as you have barrel.
cap 3" reservoir and install a quick coupler fitting off of a air tool
let all the glued joints set for at least 24 hours.
Close ball valve load barrel from muzzle connect air hose (stand back)
aim at hard surface (or ex-wife's car, etc) snatch ball valve open (a lever helps)
It really helps to build a frame for all this to fit in.
Really spectacular impacts
I am working on a version that uses a 4" butterfly valve and a twenty foot barrel. The last on I made with 2 2" ball valves and a twenty foot barrel would shoot 660 yards thats is not a typo measured with GPS so figure a 10% margin of error.
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 9:27 pm
by jcobb
Good one! Couldn't have said it better my own self......
unprofessional 2 way tech
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 9:41 pm
by RapidCharger
I hate to be a party pooper here, but if I told you I would send you a postage paid box to put them in, would you be willing to part with them if they were going to say habitat for humanity or some other worthy cause?
Posted: Mon Aug 11, 2003 10:25 pm
by 007
Good call! Laughed for 10 minutes.
I've always wanted to see what a Caprice could do to a radio....
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 12:32 am
by wa2zdy
I saw a P200 once that a Caprice did absolutely NOTHING to.
I'm assuming the plastic contraption with the 20 foot long pipe is an oversized spud gun or something? Being 4am, I'm having trouble concentrating on what I'm reading. I hope I read it right. It DOES sound like fun!
BIN for $49.99 on Ebay - yep, someone might bite. Just tell 'em the truth: Fancy Motorola two way long distance high powered walkie talkie. Yep. Uh huh.
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 12:37 am
by 007
wa2zdy wrote:I saw a P200 once that a Caprice did absolutely NOTHING to.
Really?? I gotta try it now.... Hey, Carl - SEND ME ONE!!
1 EVOC track
1 well-hustled Caprice
1 HT90
This could be fun!
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 1:06 am
by Will
The chargers may be worth something as they can be used with a simple wiring change for HT50 or P100 radios. The knobs and top plate can be used on HT50 and P100 radios also.
Be sure to RECYCLE the NiCad batteries, that is a must to keep out of our landfills.
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 5:23 am
I particularly like the water balloon and spud launcher ideas... Mix that with a rock wal and you have a great demo tool...
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 5:25 am
by Nickdap
Whats wrong with HT90's?
I'll put up some shipping money too if they all havn't been buggered up.
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 7:57 am
by E911EMT
I have an idea. use them for shooting targets or you can blow them up by using high exsposives. Or due so Pyrotechnic stuff to them..
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 8:32 am
Build RIBs inside them.
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 12:55 pm
by Carl
i NOTE EVERY SUGGESTION and post pics later with the result
Posted: Tue Aug 12, 2003 4:02 pm
by n8obu
leave them in a shopping cart one at a time /let some fool think they found some thing great/ leave them on your front set with the window down works every time here were i live. or ship them freight c.o.d. to that so called friends house labled you won these
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 10:46 am
by RapidCharger
I've tried very hard to keep my mouth shut here, but...
I've gone over the math. If you have 40 radios that work fine, just need crystals and maybe some batteries, that's still cheaper than programming synthesized radios because the going rate here in GA for that service is $35/radio.
Before you fire up the Caprice, you might want to consider donating them to a charity that might even give you a tax credit for donating them. If sending them off to a 3rd world country isn't your thing, then I'm sure you can find some less fortunate school districts in our country that can make good use of them. Or just take them to the Salvation Army or Goodwill. The little slip of paper they give you for your generosity is more than you will gain by destroying something.
And if you are in the mood to break something, how about getting all the neighborhood children together with some eggs (that have gone beyond the expiration date) and some toilet paper and some empty glass bottles and go nuts egging your houses and toilet papering things and throwing rocks and bottles in the street. You would make Beavis & Butthead proud.
***Now noticing your location is Canada, if you find that your country is so wealthy that there are no charitites interested, I'm sure us neighbors to the south in our poor rustic shanties, lousy health care system and trailer classrooms can help you find a good use for them elsewhere.
Wouldn't it be far more impressive to post pictures of your donated radios in use at some school with a "thank you" letter than post pictures of some broken bits of perfectly good radios? And wouldn't you feel a lot better after that then you would from standing there cleaning up the broken mess? (Or watching your maid do that for you)
Only in America (or dare i say Canada) do we have waste like this. This wouldn't be a topic of discussion in any other counties, and personally I think this topic should be moved into the kiddie room. Sorry.
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 2:20 pm
by Carl
you want them? gimme 50$ for all and pay shipping
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 3:13 pm
by RapidCharger
Carl wrote:you want them? gimme 50$ for all and pay shipping
gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme
Look, anyone interested in chipping in to the rescue the radios fund. I will begin calling organizations who I think would be very grateful for this equipment. Obviously 40 radios could be split up to more than one location.
Carl, I don't mean any disprespect by the way, but You can get a lot more than $50 from the whole thing if you donate them to a group that offers a tax incentive. (there's your gimme)
If you are associated with a radio dealer or service shop, you can call the local newspaper, tell them you are in search of a group that needs the radios and that you are donating the radios, and they will do a write-up on it, and your company will benefit from that exposure. Great FREE advertising, for that "gimme" you like so much.
Just look at this: ... &zoneid=41
They clearly need radios for their relief efforts IN CANADA.
While those large organizations might be an easy way to unload them, you can get more personal enjoyment from donating them directly to a group and seeing the end result and all the happy faces. (gimme) If you are religious, you might think of donating them to a religious place like a church. If not, you might think of donating them to a school. If you are not into eductation, you might think about donating them to a group like Habitat for Humanity. They build houses for the less priveledged in our world. (usually those who have low paying jobs and must also put in "sweat equity" by doing the work on the homes) You know they could use these around the construction sites.
Another thing you might think about... because by simply giving them to someone else to pass on to a worthy cause warrants honorable mention for your generosity, I'm sure some of the batboards finest can make some calls. I am a very busy person and I am willing to donate my time to find someone who will take them and use them. I think just by giving them away is a very honorable thing to do and you will certainly share in the credit for that.
Anyone have any ideas for our friend Carl?
Carl, sleep on it. If you decide you want to do the right thing, we will all recognize that as being a wonderful decision.
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 3:34 pm
by RapidCharger
1 more thing.
I bet we can get 5, maybe even 6 or 7 Thank You letters out of this. All with your name on it Carl. Just think of how great that will feel to know your radios are being used for a great cause.
Habitat for Humanity opened up a "theme park" style education complex down here in GA, called Global Village. It's designed to show people what kinds of run-down 3rd world housing is like in all parts of the world. It's a big complex and admission is by donation. It's not for any kind of profit. I bet they could use these radios down there to coordinate the goings-on at that complex.
Take a look at this: ... ellar.html
It would also be helpful to know the specs on those radios, such as VHF or UHF, band split, and power. And how many chargers and batteries. This is to figure out how much it would cost to crystal and to determine whether a license would be needed or if they could be put on MURS frequencies. And also to see how they can be split up.
Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2003 5:34 pm
by Carl
donate is cool, but i don't want to pay for a 100lbs shipping on US.. thats why i do this
Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2003 11:44 am
by w7com
Or you can do like I did:
Get 5 of them on the same channel, sell them on eBay, and then buy Carl's stuff from Batlabs! ... 3041077633