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Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 10:25 pm
by radioEd
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2002 11:58 pm
by chiefops
eagerly looking forward to their debut!
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 6:01 am
by phrawg
Now how long before Rat Shak introduces its own house branded version as the latest
newest and "exclusive to them" ?
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 6:39 am
by jim
It's just too bad that you can't cut a diode and it will receive encrypted signals!!!
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 6:53 am
by Jonathan KC8RYW
Still, it's an expensive little bugger... according to what I read, it's $350 + $300 for the APCO-25 element. GEEZ... and it only RECIEVES.
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 12:39 pm
by Glendale Radio
On 2002-01-09 09:53, KC8RYW wrote:
Still, it's an expensive little bugger... according to what I read, it's $350 + $300 for the APCO-25 element. GEEZ... and it only RECIEVES.
What A Rip-Off! So Much For Waiting For A Digital Scanner
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 12:57 pm
by Batman
Better than paying $1500 or more for a astro that will only do 1 band.
At least it works like a scanner dont have to worry about corrupted code plugs and expensive accy. it is a good alternative for the average person. besides in about a year the price will come down.
just a thought
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Batman on 2002-01-09 16:08 ]</font>
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 6:06 pm
by Doc
On 2002-01-09 15:57, Batman wrote:
Better than paying $1500 or more for a astro that will only do 1 band.
At least it works like a scanner dont have to worry about corrupted code plugs and expensive accy. it is a good alternative for the average person. besides in about a year the price will come down.
just a thought
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: Batman on 2002-01-09 16:08 ]</font>
On another message board. it was mentioned that Uniden is paying "royalty fees" to make this scanner. Why Uniden made the separate digital board is anyones guess or in the know.
It's seems like an expensive scanner and some complain of the cost, come on folks what do you expect? My irk is the fact the board is separate.. why couldnt they just make it part of the scanner and price accordingly?
I am not going to try and buy one when and if one does finally become available.. I rather make sure there are NO BUGS in the product!!!!!! and if Public safety opt for full time encryption!@
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 6:06 pm
by spectragod
Sounds like a deal, cheaper that a single band radio.
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 8:14 pm
by radioEd
On one website I saw Uniden's APCO digital card/board...on another site (I lost the site) it said Motorola APCO-25 decoder card! What do you think?
Posted: Wed Jan 09, 2002 10:15 pm
by Dale Earnhardt
I would buy that scanner, at a drop of a pin, better then buying a Astro or an XTS at the long run, espically when you wanna monitor 2 bands, like UHF and VHF if you bough 2 XTS, probally would land you at least 5,000, with this scanner, just have to spend a percent of an xts.
That is what I think
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 3:29 am
by Twisted_Pear
On 2002-01-09 21:06, Doc wrote:
Why Uniden made the separate digital board is anyones guess or in the know.
It's seems like an expensive scanner and some complain of the cost, come on folks what do you expect? My irk is the fact the board is separate.. why couldnt they just make it part of the scanner and price accordingly?
In some places outside the US (Canada, or some part of it, for example) it is illegal to decode digital transmissions. With the board in there Uniden loses money from consumers from that area. Why make two different models which would cost more for them or make one with an expansion slot which would be cheaper.
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 5:01 am
by OX
That and since Uniden is paying royalty fees to M, why pay the royalty fees on the whole scanner with the technology when you could only pay royalty on the technology!?
Besides, when Mot comes out with another variation of Astro, now all you'll have to do is buy an upgrade to your digital card from Uniden. Going on the assumption that these digital cards will have flash ram in them similar to US Robotics modems, PC BIOS chips and radios...
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 5:10 am
by 1 Adam 12
Its not that much and it will do a hell of a lot more than the radio, and also as new systems develops you can sure get the info
with out having to do a lot of stupid radio tricks, plus don't kid yourself... if you have a system in you radio and you are not authorized for it, run into the wrong person or agency and I can almost guarantee you lose your radio and due to the times can easily face prosecution. This is a great alternative to having to cross into gray and black areas, and if they come out with a well-designed handheld , like a talkgroup switch and slide of battery it would be nice. And wasn't Motorola supposedly coming out with some kind professional monitor. Wait till you see how much that costs.
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 9:47 am
by /\/\y 2 cents
Can I listen to NEXTEL? If I can It will make me money with the company info I will be hearing.
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 2:13 pm
by KennerFire
Does anybody know if the decoder card will work with the bc780??
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 8:00 pm
by radioEd
On 2002-01-10 12:47, //y 2 cents wrote:
Can I listen to NEXTEL? If I can It will make me money with the company info I will be hearing.
Nextel Cell Phones? I don't know due to the 1994 cell law....
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 8:04 pm
by radioEd
On 2002-01-10 17:13, KennerFire wrote:
Does anybody know if the decoder card will work with the bc780??
I don't know about the BC780. The 785 yes! But I'll bet a mod will appear on a site someplace? to make it work? (maybe) too early to tell....
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 8:28 pm
by EC-7
I'll have to start saving my pennies for late 2002. I will buy that radio. I'ts a little expensive, but I live in Livingston County, Michigan and we are 100% APCO-25 Digital, so I'ts my only option. What info do you think will have to be entered into it to make it recieve trunking and APCO-25, Talkgroups, System keys, ect. I like how there are seperate PL/DPL settings for each channel. My Yaesu VX-5 does that and I love it. I hope there is selectable squelch or atenuator for each channel too.
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2002 8:36 pm
by OX
Re: nextel
Ooo, that's a good one. Is it a radio or is it a phone? hmmmmmm. I reckon I'd call it a high dollar CB from the way I see people using it.
I do remember back when I had one that once into the service mode there was a security key, and if you modified this key or deleted it, then the Nextel unit had to be serviced and reprogrammed. Does that mean that they are encrypted and thus illegal to monitor regardless of what they are called?
You could monitor CDMA and TDMA if it weren't for the ECPA...Ever hear crosstalk on a CDMA phone? Made me think I was back on analog...enough ranting.
I can't wait until this scanner hits the market. Like I've said earlier somewhere, if public safety agencies don't want to be monitored then they can always buy the encryption modules. Another funny thing: if Motorola is really collecting royalties from Uniden on the sales of this scanner (or the technology), doesn't that mean that Motorola has just SOLD OUT ON THEIR PUBLIC SAFETY CUSTOMERS?!?!?? Prepare to bend over for the almighty $$$$$$ (that's dollar spelled like M spells it). I bet the next price increase hits the encryption market! Way to go! I couldn't have done it any better myself!
Now I sound like Rush
guess all that's left to say is...glad I didn't spend millions on a system just to try and stay ahead of the scanner geeks! (I am a scanner geek so I can say that)
<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: bubbasnest on 2002-01-11 00:10 ]</font>
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 1:09 am
by Twisted_Pear
I'd bet Motorola would rip Uniden for royalties but I'm sure Uniden is paying DVSI (Who designed the vocoder) the royalty.
Nextel uses VSELP or VCELP, or some form of it, plus they multiplex calls on one frequency. But yeah, all it is is a digital trunked system. Cell phone, yeah right, trunked phone patch is what it is!
Posted: Fri Jan 11, 2002 6:28 am
by Doc
royalties! and this is probably why the scanner WITHOUT digital is priced at 350 dollars and another 350 for the Digital add on - Uniden is passing the cost on to the consumer...
If the scanners are good as the the BC 780 - I probably get both if there are no "bugs" in them.
Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 5:09 am
by N9LLO
APCO25 is not a Motorola invention. They
are not the ones recieving royalties from
Uniden. I think MIT is the principle patent
Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 6:58 pm
by Jonathan KC8RYW
I haven't seen a picture of the scanner yet. Anyone know if it's floating around somewhere?
Albeit with all the channels it has, all the ability, it won't even come with alpha tags.
I just love having to memorize frequencies in conventional, and bearcat trunking id's on my BC245XLT (YEAH RIGHT!) Let's see, humm, 460.5250 .. what was that frequency for?? Wait, what was ID 114 to? ??
Just a thought.
Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 7:15 pm
by OX
Back on page 1, one of the first posts had a link to a site that had info and a couple pics of the desktop model but that site also says that the handheld model wasn't shown yet.
The desktop model did have alpha tag capability so there's no reason why there wouldn't be that feature. With 1100 channels, it'd be impossible to keep track of them.
Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2002 7:49 pm
by radioEd
On 2002-01-12 22:15, bubbasnest wrote:
Back on page 1, one of the first posts had a link to a site that had info and a couple pics of the desktop model but that site also says that the handheld model wasn't shown yet.
The desktop model did have alpha tag capability so there's no reason why there wouldn't be that feature. With 1100 channels, it'd be impossible to keep track of them.
Yea! that 1st link I posted changed, I went back to Jan. 8th. there's a pic of the base unit! Ed
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 5:27 am
by reslok
According to the law in Canada it is legal to monitor digital-it is only encrypted signals that should (can)not be monitored.
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 8:10 pm
by Jonathan KC8RYW
On 2002-01-13 08:27, reslok wrote:
According to the law in Canada it is legal to monitor digital-it is only encrypted signals that should (can)not be monitored.
Wow, that is almost as open for misinterpretation as "obscene programming" is to broadcasting (or Howard Stern.)
In ham bands, if you transmit voice and use DVP/DES & such, the trasmittion is still considered voice, not data (even if it IS voice data.) Hopefully, the FCC and other groups will use hams sane definition of what data transmittions are.
If you think monitoring digital is a tough issue, try monitoring conventional with a scanner in Michigan. LOOK OUT! Our state has a crazy law that makes it illegal to recieve police band. Honest.
You have to fill out a form, agree to follow all of the FCC rules you have to follow ANYWAYS, send it in to the Michigan State Police, and you get a little "get-out-of-scanner-jail-free" card in a few weeks.
If you don't fill out the form, and you have a scanner in a motor vehicle, you are committing a misdeminor, punishable by fines and true prison time. And they really enforce this law.
I feel sorry for the UPS driver that broke the law to get the scanner to my house. Because, the way the law is written, he really DID break the law.
I can only imagine how much the Michigan State Police (MSP) will enforce this rule when the APCO-25 scanner comes out. Since the MSP is totally APCO-25 digital, we can't monitor them one bit with the consumer scanners of yesterday.
Any lawyers that want to make Michigan repeal this silly law that goes against the FCC's rules, email me.
"The public owns the airwaves, and, therefore, is free to monitor their own property."
If a person is robbing a bank, they don't give a damn if they are are breaking the law by listening to a police scanner. Get real!
And don't get me started with the anti Cellular and Paging monitoring rules that the FCC took bribes to enact...
Posted: Sun Jan 13, 2002 8:18 pm
by Jonathan KC8RYW
On 2002-01-10 12:47, //y 2 cents wrote:
Can I listen to NEXTEL? If I can It will make me money with the company info I will be hearing.
I doubt you'd hear anything useful, besides a zillion direct-connects rag-chewing about nothing.
You could listen to any ham repeater if you wanted to hear rag-chewing.
Posted: Tue Jan 15, 2002 10:21 pm
by apco25
As far as royalties are concerned if it is APCO25 digital i.e CAI common air interface decoding board and there for not VSELP vocoding them uniden owes royalties to DVSI who developed IMBE vocoding and NOT motorola.
Posted: Wed Jan 16, 2002 6:38 am
by Doc
On 2002-01-13 23:10, KC8RYW wrote:
On 2002-01-13 08:27, reslok wrote:
According to the law in Canada it is legal to monitor digital-it is only encrypted signals that should (can)not be monitored.
Wow, that is almost as open for misinterpretation as "obscene programming" is to broadcasting (or Howard Stern.)
In ham bands, if you transmit voice and use DVP/DES & such, the trasmittion is still considered voice, not data (even if it IS voice data.) Hopefully, the FCC and other groups will use hams sane definition of what data transmittions are.
Encrypted Messages as to obscure the message is still illegal for amateur radio?
If you think monitoring digital is a tough issue, try monitoring conventional with a scanner in Michigan. LOOK OUT! Our state has a crazy law that makes it illegal to recieve police band. Honest.
You have to fill out a form, agree to follow all of the FCC rules you have to follow ANYWAYS, send it in to the Michigan State Police, and you get a little "get-out-of-scanner-jail-free" card in a few weeks.
If you don't fill out the form, and you have a scanner in a motor vehicle, you are committing a misdeminor, punishable by fines and true prison time. And they really enforce this law.
I feel sorry for the UPS driver that broke the law to get the scanner to my house. Because, the way the law is written, he really DID break the law.
I can only imagine how much the Michigan State Police (MSP) will enforce this rule when the APCO-25 scanner comes out. Since the MSP is totally APCO-25 digital, we can't monitor them one bit with the consumer scanners of yesterday.
Any lawyers that want to make Michigan repeal this silly law that goes against the FCC's rules, email me.
"The public owns the airwaves, and, therefore, is free to monitor their own property."
The public does NOT own the airwaves. Listening to anything that goes out on the airwaves is a privelege which can be taken away.
If a person is robbing a bank, they don't give a damn if they are are breaking the law by listening to a police scanner. Get real!
And don't get me started with the anti Cellular and Paging monitoring rules that the FCC took bribes to enact...
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 9:07 am
will this uniden radio do 700 & 800
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 10:47 am
by radioEd
Encrypted Messages as to obscure the message is still illegal for amateur radio?
YEP! still illegal! on the Ham-bands
Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2002 10:50 am
by radioEd
On 2002-01-18 12:07, STARPOINT wrote:
will this uniden radio do 700 & 800
It better do 700Mhz! But since they won't be out till the end of 2002? We should see some rx. spec. files posted somewhere! soon....
Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2002 12:22 am
by Twisted_Pear
I'm pretty sure they will. All the scanner needs to do is receive that part of the spectrum then apply trunking as if it was a frequency defined system. At least I'm pretty sure Motorola will go the frequency defined route for 700MHz.
I've even seen a site where it claims it will do 9600 baud trunking also. I'm skeptical about that.
Hopefully when the 785 and the handheld come on the market it will make radios on eBay cheaper. I know I might sell a few ASTROs once I buy a 785.
On 2002-01-18 13:50, radioEd wrote:
On 2002-01-18 12:07, STARPOINT wrote:
will this uniden radio do 700 & 800
It better do 700Mhz! But since they won't be out till the end of 2002? We should see some rx. spec. files posted somewhere! soon....
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 4:03 pm
by kc8svs
Anyone have a BC780 for sale or trade?!
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 5:51 pm
by RocketNJ
sold mine for $225 locally and got the 785D and digital card.
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 6:06 pm
by 2wayfreq
Thats the thing!! It would need to do 700MHZ. I cant believe that they didnt build in the APCO-25, you have to spend another chunk to get that...Ridiculous!! And, I heard that it might not receive agencies like LAPD because they have (9600 bit APCO) <--is that right? and this card is built at a lower sampling speed.
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 6:35 pm
by nmfire10
Wow. Blow the dust of this one. I started reading it and I was like "What the hell? These have been out for over a year now."
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 7:42 pm
by RocketNJ
LAPD is NOT 9600 baud trunking. The 250/785 with digital cards will decode fine.
Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2003 8:03 pm
by 2wayfreq
Yeah, you're right. I read that LAPD thread and the sound quality has to be adjusted correctly. But, some are getting bum cards and have to return em.
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 11:10 am
The only problem I see with the cost of these new radios, is that once they become very popular, (especially with the crooks) All your hard spent money is going to be worthless, when the Police Departments decide to enable the encryption on the whole system. And I expect that to happen the very first time they become aware of someone rebroadcasting their system on the internet.
I heard..
Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2003 3:08 pm
by copcarguy
I heard that Radio Shacks digital scanner will be $449.99 and will do 9600 Baud..something that unidens wont do. (Michigan State police etc.). Radio Shacks will be available in NOvember 2003.
I also heard that Unidens second Generation apco card will do 9600 baud and will be avaialable May 1, 2003.
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 12:53 am
by mancow
Any links to info on this new Rat Shack radio? This is the first I've heard of it.
From my experience, I'm sticking with Bearcat so far. RS never impressed me.
Radio Shack
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:06 am
by copcarguy
RS/GRE Digital Scanner In Works!
Posted on 01/25/2003 14:38 EST
We recently received the following information and after talking to the program manager of the project to help ascertain its credibility, we offer the following for your enjoyment:
I work with a team of engineers who is assisting Radio Shack and GRE with the development of Radio Shack's first digital trunked scanning receiver. We are very excited about this radio and thought your readers might be interested in knowing a little bit about it.
The user interface and receiver are built around the very successful PRO-93/95 radios, with some significant enhancements:
The radio has 500 channels in 10 banks of 50 each
There are 150 trunked IDs per bank, in 5 ID sub banks of 30 each
Users can perform "open mode lockout" - lock out undesired new or existing IDs while in open mode, a great tool for catching new talkgroups!
It is now possible to perform manual ID hold without waiting for the talkgroup to become active
The radio will track UHF and 800 MHz Project 25 9600 BPS Control Channel systems!
The radio will track all Motorola 800 MHz splinter system types
Users can now edit the Welcome screen, just like the PRO-92
Full FIPS/SAME NOAA weather radio capability, with 10 FIPS code slots
A new FRS/GMRS/MURS search range
A temperature controlled crystal oscillator (TCXO) is used to ensure frequency stability at all temperature ranges - very important for digital!
There is a revolutionary, patented scanner memory management system - you'll have to wait for details but trust me, it will be a very popular feature!
There are some control channel analysis tools that users will find very beneficial, again, you'll have to wait for full details!
The radio will be a handheld scanner similar in size to a PRO-93 or PRO-92
One of the most exciting things about this radio is the digital DSP decoder system!
The radio is fully digital ready - there are no add on cards to purchase
The radio will decode any digital system that is compliant with Project 25 Phase 1 - essentially this means no VSELP, but all ASTRO IMBE and P25 digital modulation types are supported
There is a really cool DSP feature that I can't give details on just yet - but you will know it when you see it in the manual!
No special quality settings are needed for different digital system types - you can scan different systems in the same or different bands simultaneously without changing digital quality settings
The cost is expected to be in the $499 range, and the radio is expected in stores around November 2003.
So there you have it. Sounds like quite the revolutionary product and a new direction in scanner design! It sure looks like Uniden won't be the only game in town for long and it will hopefully breath some life into RadioShack's lean scanner product line.
We thank the gentlemen working on this project for sharing this news scoop with us and hope to hear more about this product in the near future!
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 10:29 am
by mancow
It sounds like they browsed the forums and made a list of all the comlaints people had then worked to solve them.
I just hope they didn't forget the back lit keypad again...
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 3:16 pm
by mancow
Gotta agree about that!
Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2003 9:31 pm
by Jonathan KC8RYW
Doc wrote:
The public does NOT own the airwaves. Listening to anything that goes out on the airwaves is a privelege which can be taken away.
Could you please tell me who DOES own the airwaves then?