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Nucleus to ham.... ?

Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 11:43 am
by batdude
i have a nuke... it's on 927.xxxx now...

does anyone have a quick way to get audio into this thing?

mine does not have a receiver in it.


Posted: Mon Sep 29, 2003 3:32 pm
by CTAMontrose
also how do you tell if you have a model 2 or 1?

the PA says nucleus II, but the station control (and original user manual) just says nucleus.

also it went right to and shows a bandspread of 927-941

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 3:09 pm
by n_zero_ndp
grem467 wrote:how do you tell if you have a model 2 or 1?
As far as I know, it is known as the NUCLEUS-II if it has the 300+ watt PA.

The advanced controller (NAC) is the only easy way to get analog audio into it. Mine had the standard controller so the TX audio connections were actually made inside of the exciter module. I do not have any docs on this mod. Fellow BatLabber drsm0ke did all the real work (I just dug up some 900 Quantar prints to help him navigate the exciter). Please hassle him direct for details (keeps telling me he is going to publish the mod with pics, etc).

NUC-II TX - Maxtrac RX
Kansas City, MO

(a BYRG-NØNDP joint effort)

Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2004 4:56 am
by rocketman
if you have the advanced controller, audio can be dumped into J-17 pin 3 for positive and pin 28 fro negative input. This is also known as punchblock pair J17-3 (line one input). If you have a J-61 present, the audio can go here instead, as it is a piggyback of J-17 pin 3. depending on the wireline interface cable you have will determine where to insert the audio. Motorola made two types and the part number can be derived off the cable. remove the front cover from the controller and grab the part number off the grey cable that is plugged in near the front. If the model number is 0185057U01, then the audio will go to the last two inputs with positive on the end. If you have part number 3082739X01, then the audio will go to the first two inputs, with positive going to the first input point. PTT (active low) should be inserted into J 17 pin 10 (external key request). You must activate these features in the controller. To turn on Line audio, go to the service mode (up arrow key) and scroll down until you get to user Line one audio from the menu. For external PTT, go to station options 1 (the 4 key) and select from the first menu that comes up, which is called Special Key either Key on Ext key request high or low depending on if you need to go low to PTT or high to PTT.

Hope this helps, as this is how I fired up our Nuke.
Dave N1OFJ
927.4875 DPL 311
North Guilford, CT

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:50 pm
by batman21
Does anyone know where to put power in (12V/24V?) into the Nuke II 300 W amp?


Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 1:25 pm
by Big Towers
Anybody using a Quantar on the ham bands. I have access to a 900Mhz Quantar repeater and wondered if it is done via programming hacks or if there is hardware mods needed.

Posted: Sun Dec 26, 2004 8:20 pm
by kd9000

Are you putting up a 900 MHz ham system? If so, give us the details. I have a converted Spectra in the truck and am typically in the Anaconda/Georgetown Lake area in late summer.

I have a MSF5000 repeater in the San Diego area.


Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2004 7:18 pm
by Big Towers
I am considering it. We are talking about possibly using 900Mhz as a repeater to a fully synthesized all band, all mode remote base. Lots of other things going on as well but I might have accerss to a quantar soon and was curious. An MSF would be nice but haven't seen any.

The UHFs and VHFs are enough work, although not once installed, then they work forever.

Re: Quantar/Quantro

Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 7:55 pm
by n_zero_ndp
Big Towers wrote:Anybody using a Quantar on the ham bands. I have access to a 900Mhz Quantar repeater and wondered if it is done via programming hacks or if there is hardware mods needed.

Second hand info here, YMMV......

Dave Hall <n7zpy@y...> wrote:

Yes, Got one in Chandler, AZ on 927.4375 (W7MOT) only puts out
about 72 W. Didn't try too hard to do better than that. The normal
RSS gives you lots of warnings but will allow out of band
programming without mods.

walt <wb4lds@y...> wrote:

Hi Doug:
Will the quantar Program into the ham band 902-927?


Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2005 8:19 pm
by batdude
as stated above, you get several "WARNINGS" from the RSS, but the unit does program just fine into the upper end of the ham band.

i suspect the receiver will be fine as well - there is no preselector, so that's a non-issue.

the "problem" with 900 quantars is that if they are not equipped with the internal HISTAB oscillator, you are screwed.

900 quantar units have three choices for oscillators - internal HI STAB, external 5meg and external 10 meg. you can't run it w/o the oscillator except in "TEST" mode using the DOS prompt commands.
