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Minitor 3 1ch. -> 2ch. w/stored voice

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 1:14 pm
by n9upc
Has anyone else been able to do this or is it just a fluke???

I was programming my M3 which is two channel with stored voice. After I programmed it I saw that it read the pager first then there was about a 1 to 2 second pause and then it programmed the pager.

Well I thought what if in that time you stuck another M3 in there. The only one I had was a 1 channel with no stored voice. So I placed that one into programming mode.

Then when that dealy happened boom I switched pagers and it programmed the 1 channel without any issues.

I then exited out of the programming and then read the pager again and saw that the 1 channel pager had taken the programming with no problems and works great just like a 2 channel pager WITH stored voice.

I also noticed that it copied over the serial numbers so that it was both the same.

So I ask is this a glitch or a freak occurance????

Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2004 3:23 pm
by The Pager Geek
A very common way to "clone" pagers.

The only downside is the serial number duplication.

It's even easier if you Y in 2 UPI's and toggle back and forth, or remove the return path of the "target" pager with a break-out box so the PPS doesn't see it, only sends data to it.


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 5:00 am
by Wes
Are you saying you successfully programmed a 1 channel M III with a 2 channel SV codeplug and it works????


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 5:44 am
by n9upc
Yes I am. Like I said I read the 2ch SV codeplug and then reprogrammed the correct pager with it.

Then it that about 1 to 2 second gap where it pauses between reading the pager before it programs it just pop in the 1 channel pager and boom.

The 1 channel pager took the 2 channel stored voice codeplug and it works great!!

On a side note I test paged the pager and it went off for both channels and showed that it had stored voice but since I had no replay button the pager just sat there with the red light on showing that it had a stored voice message in it so I jus turned off the stored voice option.

But as I said it does copy over the serial number from the master pager into the new 2 channel one so that is a little bit of a problem.

/\/\ <---- you are so silly to have something like this.

Also a follow up I did it with an M3 2 channel stored voice to a M4 1 channel and guess what it worked also.

Now I just have to get my M4 to alert when it gets paged. BUT PLEASE note that it was NOT alerting well before I even tried this experiment.


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 5:58 pm
by stangmansvo
I wonder if this would work on a non-vibrate pager and clone it from a vibrate pager??????
anyone know
steve :o

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:10 pm
by firemedic4
could it also change the freq to a higher vhf freq.. i have a m3 on 154 and i need it to go 173 ...

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 6:36 pm
by CPD534
Very nice to know! Thanks.

I would guess that Vibrate and Bands could not be Cloned/Changed. I know vibrate has hardware that actually vibrates which would be required. I'm guessing that the hardware/circuits would be different for different bands also, like in a radio.


no vibrate

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:32 pm
by stangmansvo
well i tryed to clone one that had vibrate to one that didnt and your RIGHT ! WONT WORK :x
Still trying to figure a way to take a different band like 160mhz range down to 155mhz range

also tryed to program a minitor IV 1ch from a minitor III 2ch no dice there either.

anybody had luck on this?

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 8:35 pm
by The Pager Geek
The band limits for the pager are located in the M3.exe or M4.exe.

Just open your hex editor and do a search for text. It's stored in regular ASCII. Change whatever limits you see... works fine.

As for making a non-vibrate into a vibrate, some pagers (non-vibrate) have the hardware. Be sure to check to see if it has it before you try cloning a vibe codeplug into it.


Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2004 8:48 pm
by n9upc
I converted my M4 one channel to a 2 channel by doing the same thing as mentioned in the begining of this thread.

Just read and start to program an M3 after the software reads the pager during the programming phase, pop in the M4 and bam you now have a 2 channel M4.

which program ?

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 5:27 am
by stangmansvo
On converting which rss are you using?
I have a new m4 program from motorola and wont let me convert an m4 1ch from a m3 2c :o

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 5:49 am
by DJP126
Two vary quick ways to void out your warranty or Extended Warranty on a Min IV.

1) Open the case.

2) Clone another pager as described above.

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2004 6:06 am
by n9upc
Yes DJP126 that is a good way, but what you first do is read and keep a copy of the original codeplug of the pager.

Therefore when you send it in for repair you pop back in the old one before it is sent in.

I am also pretty sure loading in a wh@red out flashcode into an XTS will not raise an eyebrow or two at Motorola if the radio is sent in for repair. Just like anything else Motorola you have to take a gamble as to what you want to do with it, based upon what you need.

I repaired and got my M4 free and I needed it to be a two channel so I made it a two channel.

As for the cloning I used the M3 software. You can program an M4 with M3 software. I was told this directly from a Motorola tech. So in this case set-up the M3 just the way you want the M4 to be set-up (i.e. freq. tone codes, switch positions, etc..) then do the prog clone.

The M4 is only an M3 in a new case with the major issues which have been complained about corrected. Hell if you even open up a M4 you will see the printed circuit board has the wording Minitor 3 RF Board.

The M4 is an M3 with a makeover and some issues fixed, hence the cross cloning issue. They even use the same accy.

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 6:55 pm
by Gigs
Can you use a Minitor UHF - SV and do this to make a lowband M4 do stored voice ?

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 8:06 pm
by n9upc
No you can only use this model on same bandsplit pagers in the same band.

Try to take a UHF and make a low band do 2 channel will cause the pager you are cloning to, to go nuts.

Then if you send it back to /\/\ and they see what you did you may have some problems on your hands and I would not be surprised if they did not fix it for you.

I do hope that everyone trying this mod does make and HOLD a copy of the original codeplug to slam back into it for serial number purposes in case you have to send it back to /\/\.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:32 pm
by aaknitt
n9upc wrote: On a side note I test paged the pager and it went off for both channels and showed that it had stored voice but since I had no replay button the pager just sat there with the red light on showing that it had a stored voice message in it so I jus turned off the stored voice option.
I know this thread is really old, but I'll give this a shot anyway. I'm wondering if there is a hardware difference between a SV pager and a non-SV pager, or if the only difference is in software.

I have a non-SV M3 that's in pieces, so I'm doing a little playing around. I cloned a SV M3 codeplug into the non-SV M3, but it's behaving differently than what N9UPC describes. The red light doesn't come on and it doesn't seem to be recording anything. I found the contacts on the circuit board where the SV switch would be located and by jumpering them I can get the pager to beep, just like it would when you press the button on a SV pager when no audio is stored.

My only thought as to why the pager isn't recording audio is that the audio recording chip is depopulated from the circuit board on non-SV models. I do see a spot on the board where some kind of chip is supposed to that the SV chip?

Basically I'm wondering whether it's possible to turn a non-SV into a SV by cloning and adding a switch.

Any insight is appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 8:37 am
by DJP126
aaknitt wrote:
n9upc wrote: On a side note I test paged the pager and it went off for both channels and showed that it had stored voice but since I had no replay button the pager just sat there with the red light on showing that it had a stored voice message in it so I jus turned off the stored voice option.
I know this thread is really old, but I'll give this a shot anyway. I'm wondering if there is a hardware difference between a SV pager and a non-SV pager, or if the only difference is in software.

I have a non-SV M3 that's in pieces, so I'm doing a little playing around. I cloned a SV M3 codeplug into the non-SV M3, but it's behaving differently than what N9UPC describes. The red light doesn't come on and it doesn't seem to be recording anything. I found the contacts on the circuit board where the SV switch would be located and by jumpering them I can get the pager to beep, just like it would when you press the button on a SV pager when no audio is stored.

My only thought as to why the pager isn't recording audio is that the audio recording chip is depopulated from the circuit board on non-SV models. I do see a spot on the board where some kind of chip is supposed to that the SV chip?

Basically I'm wondering whether it's possible to turn a non-SV into a SV by cloning and adding a switch.

Any insight is appreciated. Thanks in advance!

There IS a hardware difference between the models, however, several Min IIIs and IVs that were ORIGINALLY non-SV pagers would receive boards for SV models when sent to the depot for service. This would depend on the stock levels and stock replenishment schedule at the time. In n9upc's case above, he most likely has an SV circuitboard and would only require the proper knob to activate the recording.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:25 pm
by aaknitt
Makes sense. Thanks for the reply Dave!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:18 am
by Tony Soprano
Surprised that there hasn't been any mention of the Engineer Logon function requiring a password that is contained in the M3/M4 PPS. Very handy way to do some fun stuff.

Posted: Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:02 pm
by ki4cye
Can you clone a min.5 to make a 1 ch. into a 2 ch. the same way as with the 3 and 4 ?

Re: Minitor 3 1ch. -> 2ch. w/stored voice

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 1:09 am
by northstarfire0693
Thats a good question on the v... I would like to know how to do that


Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 3:24 pm
by jdwjekyll900sl
ki4cye wrote:Can you clone a min.5 to make a 1 ch. into a 2 ch. the same way as with the 3 and 4 ?
Has anyone been able to get this to work on a V yet?