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Maxtrac problem- logic board?

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 9:00 pm
Calling all Maxtrac experts. I have a D34LRA73xxx that was donated to the local ham club, they want to use it as a link radio. I offered to test and program it for free. Problem is that it does not TX or RX, neither the CH button nor the MON button work. The two LEDs are on constantly. I followed the trouble tree in the book and it calls for a new logic board. If anyone has seen this symptom and knows the fix please let me know.

Posted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 9:16 pm
by mancow
It almost sounds like it was hacked and the wrong head was selected in the software. Or, maybe the connector jumpers are installed incorrectly or misaligned.

Or, like you said.. .maybe it's just broke :-?


Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2004 5:05 pm
by Max-trac
Try a different head,
Check the logic board to see if it has an eprom.
Blank in an reinitialize it......

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2004 9:07 pm
I can try a different head.
How do you spot an EPROM? By part number?
How do you re-initialize it? With RSS?

the solution "supercloning"

Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2004 8:19 pm
by eurecomx
the cable schematic is in: ... radios/lst

READ instrutions in message #16 , look too in "photos" area

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 7:23 pm
by jwood
Try loading a valid code plug into the radio first!!!

Posted: Thu Feb 05, 2004 10:15 pm
by Monty

Maxtracs have a number of Logic Boards, and the
latest is the 9913 Series w/ a 16 pin connector.

The Earlier Maxtracs used a 5 Pin Board, and are
not all that popular anymore.

If indeed you cannot Read / Write to the Board
anylonger, and you have little or no service tools,
you would be well advised just to get a Blank Board
and start from scratch.

You will need to completely realighn the radio after
it gets reinitialized.


Perhaps a Batmember will come along and offer to
repair it for you !

I would make the offer, however, I am just too far backlogged
in repair service at this time.
