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Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 8:09 am
by dk

I had a Radius GP1200 and tried to program it. I made two Ribs, one of Bat, and an other with M232 ic. If I try to read the radio with the Bats one, it turns off (or not, I dont know, the display turn off) and I get an error: invalid radio response. When I use the other Rib, the radio displays SRQ (or something like that), and in a few seconds reset itself.
What can be wrong? I use the dps12dw.
Please help!
Paul SV2US, I lost your email adress:(

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 10:17 am
by Monty
Hi Paul:

If you ( review ) some of my messages, you
will find alot of infromation on the subject.

1st. When dealing with these later model
radios , its very important to have a stable
programming platform.

Failure to have all the required set ups could corrupt the code plug in the radio.

Sometimes its expensive to fix.

Anyhow, you really should consider a Motorola
Factory Rib Box ( at a minimum ) Factory
Rib to Computer Cable, Power Supply and
a sound 386-486-25 computer with at least
4mb of Ram

If you are using a Pentium with a speed of 500 - 800, that could be a problem

If you have excellent soldering skills, and
use all the factory componets, you should be
OK, but review the computer speed 1st, and
try turning off the external cache.

If that does not work, please feel free to
email me direct @ and
I have help many persons with restoring not
only their radios, but can give sound advice
on a stable programming platform.

I hate to see persons push F8 only to learn later they may be out 100's of dollars on a
code plug issue.


Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 11:56 am
by mantooth51
Don't listen to this guy, aftermarket ribs are just fine. Use a 386 computer, they seem to run the older rss best. As for homemade cables, those don't cause eeprom corruption, although Monty would have you beleive that so he could sell you one of his high dollar homemade cables. Go to ebay and buy a rib box where monty likes to buy stuff.

Randall Powell

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 12:31 pm
by Will
Randal, Monty has thirty some years experiance more than you do and he is correct in what he is trying to tell us. Most of the advice he lets us in on is from the thousands of (computer programable)radios he has worked on.
I have also seen hundreds of disasteous results due to home made and xbrand RIBs and cables. We have even had problems with Motorola RIBS and cables on some computer-radio combinations, and being an engineer we were able to resolve them and I have sharred the details with the group in the past.
I am NOT saying that you can not make a RIB and cables, but you need to be very carefull and use good electronic assembly practices..

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 12:35 pm
by mantooth51
Hey Will, when did you review my Resume??

i don't beleive you ever did. I know you want to defend his practices, but I don't beleive you must have read his posts offering advice with a price. He is a rediculous excuse for a human being, it's obvious from his posts here and elsewhere what his deal is. And NO, I have not been in 2 way for 30 plus years only 29.


<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: mantooth51 on 2002-02-24 15:36 ]</font>

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 1:27 pm
by Nand

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 2:44 pm
by Monty

Don' t even really want to know
who this mantooth51 is, but if
you review his posts,( only a few )
is a very clear indication of this
persons level of education.

He probably lost most of his teeth
while on

He ( it ) won't be around long


Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 2:46 pm
by 10-95
That's the lovable cut throat Monty showing his true colors again. keep it up Monty, you are building quite a reputation.


Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 3:48 pm
by Will
Mr. Mantooth51,
No I never have seen your resume, but judging from your replys here you need more real experience on the programming issues related to the original posters question. Based on your response, I have to asume you do not know first hand of all the problems involved.
You have never even accknowleged anyone's experience here, let alone thanked others who support this forum with their time and experiance.
This forum is to HELP others, not for you to SLAM others, especialy on anothers post.
If you take the time to reread my reply to the original poster, you may be able to understand where I and others are basing our replies on and to whom.

If your replies to a reply to someone else's original posted question are just to SLAM others I will request that you be sensured.
And as far as Mr. 10-95's post, this kind of action is not showing any comon sense on your part. If you have an issue with Monty, or anyone else, take it up directly with them, NOT HERE.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 3:54 pm
by 10-95
You are completely right when you say this forum is not to slam people, I guess you missed Monty's "Good deal gone sour " Slam, and maybe you missed the response to Mantooth51, or did you?? Look Will, you are right the board is not to slam people, but take a look at some posts from some others and you know who HE is, it's all pretty childish and shows the persons true nature towards others. When I see something like Montys reply to Mantooth51 it says somethinbg about him. But I don'tr expect you to really care, you seem to be in HIS corner anyway. That's all I really have to say aabout this.

Frank Drake

Oh yEA, If I am truely up to no good, then why did Monty not post my name and ID in the feedback portion of the forum??? Good question huh?? Yea Monty claimed he had to protect my name in his first post! you and I know if I had truely done something here he should have posted my name and ID the minute
the board came back up, but no, he does not name the person in his post!! That's really looking out for others on the forum right???

It's all garbage, he did not pay and I pulled the plug on the deal so he wants to be a big baby about it. Go read some of his past posts and then tell me I'm wrong, and if i'm up to no good how do you explain all the good feedback for me in the feedback portion???? Face it Will, the guy is wrong !

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: 10-95 on 2002-02-24 18:58 ]</font>

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: 10-95 on 2002-02-24 19:00 ]</font>

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 5:04 pm
by Monty
Hi Will:

<b>Don't fall for it !!</b>

All they ( he ) is really trying to
do is justify selling items at
a Higher Price at a Swap meet since
the situation presented itself and
did not bother to follow up untill
after the fact with me...

Yes I was a little disturbed as I was
not able to meet the demand of others to
whom I made a promise to.

Most anyone with a High-School education
knows how fast I make payemnts...All you
have to do is go to Ebay, and I too have
100"s of perosns that have left feedback
which can be varified( ALL with Postitive Feedback )

It probably slipped through
as the real Frank has infact made a number
of fair deals...This one with me I think he slipped on.( and he simply disagrees )

I purchased several items he advertised,
( Through the Private Message Baord" never got a complete total, this was on
02/02/2K2, Batboard Died 02/04/2K2, and
then recieved a Email ( on Sunday ) 02/17/2K2
say that he never recieved funds, and that he wanted to VOID the deal since he sold
them earlier at the Swap meet. ( Period )

I did not get " Any " Email from him, Phone
Call, or anything up untill he decided to
bail out on 02/17/2K2.

Most persons I have delt with get a little
concerned when they know a check is on its
way and they have not received it in a timely

Its really NO problem...this stuff can easily be purchased from Motorola and I have
already ordered a few to meet my responsiblities to others as promised.

As before, as again it was intended as
a warning to others to " Watch Out"
for problems concening Private Messages
as some perosns may Miss-use them, and if
a Deal is completed through that proceedure,
a problem can develope if the board dies or there is a System Crash

Seems some ( probably some are a ghost memebers ) are just upset due to me pointing
out various normal protocalls that the majority of persons follow and are upset with the way the warning was given.

For that I can appologize to those persons
who may be offended.

It was frank who desired to make it a major issue, as I left his name out !

I only left in the circumstances which are backed up with Email and on the private mesasage board. NOWHERE did I get a Piror
Email from Mr. Frank piror to 02/17/2K2

Out of the 1000's of persons here, they already know how things work, so if these supporters of Frank wants to prise him, well, I will send them some chapstick

Instead of bashing, make a donation
to the batboard !

And yes ! I will Defend my position !


Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 9:16 pm
by mantooth51
I am now convinced that Monty was one of Nixon's speach writers!!!!

Academy Award winning, simply tear jerking!!


Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2002 10:07 pm
by captainkirksdog
Has it ever occurred to some of you slower thinkers just what the BatBoard is for? It puts people with a problem in touch with people with the answer. If both parties agree to a fiduciary (that means money to you slower thinkers) arrangement, and both get what they want, who has been hurt? Nobody, except the jealous. Yet I see a lot of you climbing down Monty's or Elroy's or whomever's throat everytime they suggest or offer a sale of equipment. When did making a dollar NOT be the American way. IF, and I stress the word IF, Monty's prices are a little high, maybe some of you are in the wrong endevour. Or maybe he's entitled to it as compensation for the hundreds, maybe thousands of hours of free time and advice he's given to myself and others. I would suggest that some of you, (no names, they know who they are), visit a proctologist and have your small craniums removed from your respective rectums. *ckd*