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help me please

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 8:06 am
by sealgz
hi, the guy who use saber can u help me?
I try to make a ptt by a U-94A/U, but i do not have detail information how to set it up can every one let me know detail or can post a circuit diagram, thanks a lot

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 9:42 am
by alex
Can you give us more information?

I wouldn't even know where to start from reading your post.

Model # of radio, product line (saber maybe?), and what you are trying to do exactly - e.g. what is your end result.




Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 11:59 am
by Jim2121
Sound like he 's looking for a diagram on how to make a saber PTT?
Might be less of a headach if he can order one? Or gut one from a saber thats outlived its life......

Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 3:32 pm
by mancow
I think it's one of these he's talking about. It's some sort of PTT type adapter with a clip. ... ductor.htm

If so you will either need to gut a speaker mic and wire the appropriate audio and PTT lines to a cable then out to the U box or use a saber Hirose adapter. The hirose would be the best way to go. You could wire the appropriate lines from the box to a hirose end and just plug it in.

Where are routing the audio to? You will still need a mic and speaker.

A bit more info is needed for sure.


Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2004 4:16 pm
by 1motoman
[quote="mancow"]I think it's one of these he's talking about. It's some sort of PTT type adapter with a clip. ... ductor.htm

This plug/jack was used by the Air Force in it's CH3 & CH53 helicopter for connection to the intercomm and radio.

more infor

Posted: Wed Jul 07, 2004 7:23 am
by sealgz
hi, thanks for your reply ,
here is more information i should provide
I am using a saber-r (h44qxn7139cn) and a n original speacker mic, and now i bought a peltor comtact headset, but i want to use the u-94a/u as ptt cause it would be lighter, but according to peltor, that i shoud make it myself, so i need some information that the diagram that can help me to make a ptt, anyone have any experience hope you can share with me, some people said i just need one diode from the the original handmic(ntn6166c) and the hand mic connector can make it, but i do not have further information, so please help me if u have more details

thanks for you guy's kindly help