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Portable recommendations please (UHF)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 12:49 pm
by SlimBob
Hi all,

I'm looking for recommendations for programmable, synthesized UHF portables that will take some abuse. I need to pick up about three on the cheap (if possible). Ideally, I'd like a radio that will cover 440-470, but 450-470 is acceptable for the time being. I'd appreciate pointers to any radio manufacturer's product (definately tip me off if something else holds like 200 channels or something ;-).... at some point in the future, I'd like to go crypto, either DES or ... but not rolling code inversion.

Thanks for the suggestions guy.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 1:36 pm
by Radiogeek97
off the top of my head i would say an ht1000 would do the 450-470 band just fine you will be limited to 16 channels but you can pick them up pretty cheap. Other than that you could look for a few Saber 2 or 3's they would do what you are looking for and will have the higher (120chan) capacity that you want. I am not up to speed on the market price for the saber 3's but the ht's (radio only) should be no more than a couple hundred a piece used.

I agree

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:36 pm
by Jim2121
HT1000, or Sabers, or a MT2000 would be my choice ...(the MT2000 can hold 160 channels+)

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 2:51 pm
by RadioSouth
Well from Motorola looks like only the MTS2000 would fit your bill.
Can be had up to 255 channels and are SecureNet capable unless 120
would work then you'd be looking at a SecureNet Saber 2 (with the expanded memory) or Saber 3.

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2004 3:39 pm
by Johnny Galaga
I recently bought a few of these HT1000's: ... 59602&rd=1

and they work well as a general all-purpose walkie-talkie. They have excellent audio & range, are built pretty solidly, and with 2700 mAH NiMH batteries (be sure to use a NiMH charger) you'll get very long run time.


Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 6:13 am
by gtl7001
Go with the HT1000 is you don't have too many frequencies to plug in. Sixteen is the maximum on a HT1000, the big plus is that they are dependable and cheap. The downside is that they are ancient technology, the RSS is DOS based and you should have an older computer for programming. Otherwise go with the HT1250, they are smaller than the HT1000's but they do have 128 channels and use a Windows based programming software. IMO they are not as rugged as the HT1000 but they are cheaper compared to many of the Motorola radios designed for mid grade to high grade use. Also parts are more readily available for the HT1250.

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2004 8:26 am
by Lord Windeshmere
HT1000's are "ancient technology"? I disagree. They might have started their production years ago but they are still one of the best portables, performance-wise, ever built. They have many signalling options, depending upon the radio's model/firmware. They do lack all the bells and whistles (clock) that the typical radio user often doesn't need such as the Waris series offers. I'd use (and I do) an HT1000 over the Waris portables any day.

SlimBob, do you need to scan >12 channels at a time? If NOT, go with a Saber 2 or Saber 3. Solid, programmable, available in the freq spread you need, depending upon the firmware you can have signalling, you can still get parts for them, and you can get them reasonably priced. Check Ebay (taking a chance though) or from a used radio dealer, like Panik's Electronics in Florida ( ). I've bought radios from "Honest John" and never had a problem with any. If you do need to scan >12 channels than the Ht1000 or Systems Saber will do which allow 16 channels at a time to be scanned.

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2004 5:58 pm
by MT2000 man
My vote will go to the MT2000 as well. If $$$ is a problem, then the HT1000 is a good radio as well. I have the MT2000 UHF 48CH top display version, and LOVE it. I can't kill this thing :) I've had it for almost 3 years, and although sabers are very rugged and dependable, they are just too BIG.

So again, get the MT2000, and be happy. :) :)