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Best / Less PITA motorola radios for 6m
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 1:23 pm
by CTAMontrose
looking for opinions on what is the easiest moto to work on the 6m band, both portable and mobile...
we are putting up a 6m repeater, and would like to stick with moto stuff for it.. i need a portable and a mobile/base. Also RSS programmability is a must.
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 2:46 pm
by Mike B
The mobile 100 watt Syntor X 9000 low band is a no hassle, no retuning/modification radio after you get a copy of the RSS that allows frequencies above 53 MHz to be programmed. It also does 10 meters.
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 5:11 pm
by 1motoman
MICOR will go there easly.
Yes I know they are old - but they still work good!!
Posted: Tue Aug 03, 2004 11:26 pm
Best is the X9000, but its also expensive. I have one and love it.
The MARATRAC (or M400) also very good if you need rear mount and HIGH power, but its not Alpha-Numeric. Can be 16 or 99 channel.
I have one I used for years, but replaced it with the X9000.
Maxtracs are pretty good for the front mount crowd. Up to 32 ch.
I use one in the shack. Have used it mobile, its a good 50 watt radio.
Most of the Xtal controlled radios (Micor, Mitrek, MOCOM, MOTRAC) are still very good radios if you only need a couple of channels.
Especially if you find one for sale with Xtals.
For portable, I use the trusty MT1000.
6 meter radios
Posted: Wed Aug 04, 2004 8:09 am
by Jim202
You might even consider looking for some GE Delta S radios. Look for the 42 to 50 Mhz range. They will go there with no mods at all. Just program them up, retune the RX front end and the TX exciter.
They are on the used market anywhere from $25 to about $75. Some can even be found with the control group for this price. They can use a number of control heads.
The basic remote trunk mount with rotory head gives 16 channels with progammable CTCSS. Then you can find the simple control head with scan, then the S-950 or S-990 scan heads. These will give you up to 128 channels. You can also use the S-825 scan head.
Just remember that your frequency spread is limited to about 2 Mhz.