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Chevy Cavalier Light Install

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 7:48 pm
A thank you to those few who actually posted something nice or helpful.

I made the post all in fun, but it’s gone downhill, due to certain individuals on this board.

Since very few could say anything nice or constructive, and took the opportunity to rip on me, I took the photos down.

I think you guys are just a little jealous because I have more lights then you, which is quite juvenile. But that’s okay, considering it’s my hobby, my car, and my equipment, and I’ll do whatever I want.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:10 pm
by Cowboy
I'm sorry... I like the install... Sort of...

The Millenium could be a bit more lower profile if you fab'd some shorter brackets.

The Talon *appears* to be off center by about an inch...

Those appear to be *high profile lip mount* antennas on the rear deck...

Why dear god did you put a Ford PI badge on a Chevy sedan?

Wish I had that kind of money to throw at lights LOL

Nice job overall :)

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:22 pm
by apco25
that's headed for

Looks like storm chasers setup.


Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 9:36 pm
by 007
Hmmm....OK plates with Yaesu HF, VHF Hi/dual-band Larsen antenna's and more amber lights than OKC's DPW trucks....Hmmm.


2.) You'd piss off the OHP because you have more lights than them.

3.) Why the HELL do you need that much amber??????????????

4.) Headlight flasher? Um, why?

5.) I'm all about spotting/chasing for the NWS, but why make your car stick out so much?

6.) Move that Dualband NMO-270 have it way too close to the AM/FM antenna. The two antennas are interacting with each other electrically, and you are inducing too much RF into the AM/FM radio if that is a TX antenna. I understand that space is limited on the trunk of a Cavalier, but it needs to be moved.

7.) Lose the PI sticker....very, very whacker :evil:

8.) Having said all of that, at least you picked quality equipment...but please center that LS12 and talon in the front window.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:23 pm
by Adam
My momma always told me.. ok I lied.. but I always heard, if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:32 pm
by thebigphish
ok the PI sticker looks photoshop/GiMP'd, that is the largest collection of amber i have EVER seen on one vehicle, and what on EARTH do you use this car for? Is amber one of the "real" colors in OK? and i'm counting something like EIGHTEEN lightheads to the front and TWENTYSIX to the rear,(give or take 10% for rounding errors or ballot stuffers) but jeezus that's hamsexy as i have NEVER seen before. i will have to agree on a fundamental point, as posted earlier, at least it's quality toys....but you have enough an entire an entire CT-DOT road crew and 3 separate CMED centers on that called it a clown car, (not gonna disagree :lol: ), but why?

ok, fine, you may not want to answer (for fear of instant immortality) but can you atleast show off where THE HELL YOU PUT ALL THE TOYS ON THE INSIDE???? that's a g-damn cavalier, and i want to see the wiring, hide-age, and the 5 alternators you have running in that thing.

pop the hood, bust out the can-opener or the Hurst and open it up...take some pictures of the console (at the very least)

but damn, you must have had your hands full doing that. "nice" job.

i'll stick with my cadet-rotator...and i'll give you props :lol:

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:39 pm
by nmfire10
I might aim for it just to put it out of it's misery.

Posted: Thu Aug 05, 2004 11:47 pm
by EOppegaard
Wow...and I thought my car was bad...thanks for taking some of the heat off of me!
The lighting equipment includes:

911EP Milleneum LED lightbar
911 EP LS15 above rear-view mirror
Able-2 Headlight flasher
Whelen single Talon dashlight
911EP TD-30 traffic director
Whelen CPS660 Strobe power supply w/strobes in tail lights.
(2) Whelen dual remote Dashmisers in rear deck
Just a quick idea here...what does all of this draw...not counting transmitting on any of the radios at the same time...isn't the little alternator in this car going to fry? Or did you upgrade the electrical system at all? more making fun of my matter what I do to it. This includes mounting a C-Band Dish to the roof...because all I will do is remind you of this vehicle. :lol:

Does it concern anyone else that this car is IDed as a police icon on does have the PI decal!
Image :roll:

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 12:45 am
by 007
Or, if you like a real pic:


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 1:25 am
by nmfire10
Actually, the sat just made another pass of his location. Apparently, he just started his vehicle.... [fixed]


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:49 am
by 007
No dice...

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:09 am
by FFParamedic571
Oh God..

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:27 am
by kc2kuy
I hope he is around i would love to hear from him and have him defend himself... :D I think it looks awsome..Do you belong to the local REACT team or something like that? Maybe the PI sticker is over kill but hay its his car...

One more thing where do i find the site to look up APRS folks on it? I had it and its gone..... :(

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:40 am
by va3wxm
You could start here and search around:

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 6:12 am
by EOppegaard That's me :-) that is the best site that I have ever been able to find

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:11 am
by kc2kuy
ok but where do i go to type in the call of whoever i am looking for? Thanks...I am real new to all the APRS stuff....

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:45 am
by Jonathan KC8RYW
kc2kuy wrote:ok but where do i go to type in the call of whoever i am looking for? Thanks...I am real new to all the APRS stuff....
Just insert the callsign of whoever you are looking for at the end of this URL:

Code: Select all
For example:

Code: Select all
To confuse things more, some people run with a "-1" or other numbers seperated from the callsign with a "-".

And others use a "tactical" callsign, which isn't their own callsign (but it does have their callsign inside the data packet.)

Get it?

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:01 am
by Adam
007 wrote:Or, if you like a real pic:

That's hardly a real pic, IMO. Can't make anything out except for the road..ish.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:49 pm
by chtucker
Don't leave us hangin' WE WANT MORE LIT UP PICS (if your battery, alternator and wiring can handle it) :o

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 2:54 pm
FYI: The Larsen 2/70 antenna near the AM/FM is used for RX only so no harm done.

And for those who are that picky, I will center the Talon and LS12

And I will get around to taking interior pics, when I get it cleaned up and get the wiring mess straightend.

All LED and Strobe so no worry on the alternator, plus I never TX on more than one radio at once.

Also the PI sticker was put on there as a joke.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:30 pm
by nmfire10
And strobes don't draw amps? Internesting, I will have to find that model.

So we still don't know what the purpose of all this stuff is.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:05 pm
Did i say strobes don't draw amps? NO i meant they don't draw much to put a strain on the alternator.......AND i use them for storm spotting and it's just a hobby.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:08 pm
by KitN1MCC
hell my truck not as bad that

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 4:24 pm
by EOppegaard
i use them for storm spotting
I still don't understand why people need 8,000 flashing lights to drive around in a storm...what are they going to warn? The Rain and debirs flying around? All sane people would have evacuated the area...or would be off the road.


Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 5:23 pm
by ESDA20
Where I'm from, when we're storm spotting, we get off the road into driveways (with permission), parking lots, turn offs, etc, where we don't need lights and there's almost zero risk of getting run into. ;>

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:14 pm
What are the chances of a head-on MVA while sitting still spotting? NOW I see the need for the wig-wags and so many LED's to the front.

Seriously though, I can potentially see a bar to the rear, and a single strobe to the front, but everything else is overkill.

And the new term is....... SpotterSexy (a sub-category of Hamsexy)

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 7:44 pm
by nmfire10
KD5NBU wrote:Ii use them for storm spotting and it's just a hobby.
Umm. Ok, so you do storm spotting. I think we are STILL wondering what all the lights are for? Is it supposed to make up for a storm that fizzles out and you want more lightning? Or perhaps you are trying to cause a bigger acident than your car would have caused to begin with? That would make interesting video.

And for the record, you said you don't need to worry about the alternator because they are strobes. There is no comparison between the current draw of an LED and a strobe.

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 9:43 pm
by apco25
ok it IS quality stuff - that's nice.

Amp draw should be really low, its only LED and some strobes. The biggest draw is the headlight flasher.

Why all the light? All I can think of is you are one of the those nutballs who drives TOWARDS the tornado and you want to make people get out of it's way and yours even faster?

I have a good friend (his truck is posted on here) who is a crazy medic and a weather nut, but he's not that crazy :)

Please Please PLEASE!!!! take the Ford PI sticker off!

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 10:50 pm
by KitN1MCC
Well What Big Phish sais about the most Ambeer

i know u seen some of the Wreckers have more than that i know some here in CT that do

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 11:59 pm
by nmfire10
thebigphish wrote:...that is the largest collection of amber i have EVER seen on one vehicle, and what on EARTH do you use this car for? Is amber one of the "real" colors in OK? and i'm counting something like EIGHTEEN lightheads to the front and TWENTYSIX to the rear,(give or take 10% for rounding errors or ballot stuffers)
I need to put this in perspective. This is for looking at weather right? You drive down the road, have no rights as an emergency vehicle, and pull over to take pictures or measurments I assume.

To do this, you have 18 lightheads to the front and 26 to the rear. That is 44 lightheads.

Our tanker that weighs about 60,000lbs, is the largest vehicle we have, and has rights as an emergency vehicle has:

12 Front facing lightheads and 8 Rear facing lightheads totalling 20 lightheads. And just that is an impressive light show. More than enough for this massive truck. And for that matter, they all have a purpose too.

Are you seeing the irony here? Your tiny ass car has MORE THAN TWICE AS MANY LIGHTS THAN THAT OF A GIAGANITC NFPA COMPLIANT TANKER TRUCK. You don't see the problem here?

I think what worries me the most is what actions you take that neccesitate such a redicuious amount of lights. I frankly would be frightened at how you drive if you feel you need all of that. If I saw you coming down the road, I'm not sure if I would drive into the woods to hide or deploy a spike strip to save everyone else.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:04 am
by EOppegaard
Now remember guys...emergency lights is his "hobby". All I have to say is with the equipment that is on that car, it's one hell of an expensive hobby. By chance do you deal in emergency lighting equipment?...

What does the wind noise sound like on this you get it confused with the storm? :lol:

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 4:29 am
by 007
KitN1MCC wrote:hell my truck not as bad that
Need I say more? 8)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 6:58 am
by alex
007 wrote:
KitN1MCC wrote:hell my truck not as bad that
Need I say more? 8)
Now that's funny.

That's a rahter pimped cavalier. I would have agreed with serveral people here that it is overkill on the amber. Interms of people bitching about centering things - on some cars it's just hard to do right. I don't think the dual dashmiser on the front of my truck is all that bad, but it never hangs in my window right.

Regardless, I have 10 strobes on my truck, and a TD28. Looks nice, though, I would love to convert the strobes over to LED, but I'll wait for an opertunity to have a red permit before bothering to spend the money.

I will say that if someone DOES rearend you with those lights on, I sure as hell hope they are blind.

Nice setup, but overkill on the amber.


Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 8:08 am
by nmfire10
Actually, if someone rear-ends him with all those lights, he is more likely to sued than the person that hit him.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:12 am
Cowboy wrote:I'm sorry... I like the install... Sort of...

The Millenium could be a bit more lower profile if you fab'd some shorter brackets.

The Talon *appears* to be off center by about an inch...

Those appear to be *high profile lip mount* antennas on the rear deck...

Why dear god did you put a Ford PI badge on a Chevy sedan?

Wish I had that kind of money to throw at lights LOL

Nice job overall :)
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but here is come constructive critisism:

1. Rip all those lights off. They are not needed and you will not be responding ANYWHERE!
2. Loose the Police Interceptor Decal. Your not a cop.
3. Loose the Police Car Symbol on APRS. Your not a cop.
4. Get rid of that big goofy antenna on the center of the trunk. It does not look right and I wonder how secure it is?
5. Get real.


Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 9:34 am
by fireradio
Damn, now I don't feel so bad about having my ONE strobe in the back window of my truck.........

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:22 am
by c17loadsmasher
I'm just glad I use all the lights in my truck for responding to fire/rescue calls. :lol: Y'all are harsh.

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 11:45 am
by sglass
oh man

I was actually thinking about putting amber in my lazer for the winter.

I'm one of those 4wd nutballs that refuses to stay in the house. I have 4wd and real tire chains. I routinely pull 7 or more people out during a snow storm, and no I don't charge them like some butholes.

I had contemplated a couple front and rear amber led's.

Now I know how far not to go!

Re: Chevy Cavalier Light Install

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:09 pm
by ESDA20
KD5NBU wrote: I think you guys are just a little jealous because I have more lights then you, which is quite juvenile. But that’s okay, considering it’s my hobby, my car, and my equipment, and I’ll do whatever I want.
No offense, but I don't think it has anything to do with anyone here being 'jealous'. If you showed up in my part of the state here, you'd be laughed at so hard, they'd hear it in the remote parts of the Sudan. Your vehicle is excessive, even by this board's standards (which can be rather ... excessive, themselves). It goes so far as that, if on the side of the road, and lit up, you could be creating a safety hazard (I garuntee you're blinding someone out there).

No offense dude. Tone it down, remove a lot of the lights, and you've got a nice vehicle (esp if you did the inside install nice). Otherwise, what do you expect to happen when you show up looking like a Nascar pace car?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:13 pm
by Pj
Ouch! I'd have to say that this is one of the more brutal threads I have seen since the light/cop/ge vs motorola threads in a long time!

Anyways, if ya lose the bar, it would look a lot nicer...or...lose all the interior lights and lower the bar so it more "flush" with the roof.

The big stick on the trunk looks like a big hit with a tree will peel the metal...but that's just me..I don't like those big stick antennas on trunks.

For the record, I have a good amount of lights on the the vehicle. I don't need it, but it looks nice and neat...and I wanted to reuse some of my expensive stuff.

Re: Chevy Cavalier Light Install

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:14 pm
by EOppegaard
KD5NBU wrote: I think you guys are just a little jealous because I have more lights then you, which is quite juvenile.
HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Is this like "he who dies with the most toys wins"

That is hilarious. However I bet you could make a killing on eBay with some of those products...lets have a sale :wink:

Okay, I will stop raggin on ya...and if ya want some tips on how to fit a lot of crap into small spaces nicely...let me know. I drive a 93 subaru wagon...and yes, there is too much crap in it. 8)

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 1:32 pm
by Heterodyne
KC8NIY wrote:And the new term is....... SpotterSexy (a sub-category of Hamsexy)
We've added an "Off-topic Foamer" section on the hamsexy forums.... I am about 3 seconds away from adding a "SKYWARN/CANWARN" category to the existing "LEO WACKER" and "RAILSEXY" forums...

Hehe. Thanks for the suggestion.. :)

And as soon as I re-install my web editor (recovering from har ddrive crash), this car's going on's main page.

Re: Chevy Cavalier Light Install

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 2:22 pm
by thebigphish
KD5NBU wrote:A thank you to those few who actually posted something nice or helpful.
I think you guys are just a little jealous because I have more lights then you, which is quite juvenile. But that’s okay, considering it’s my hobby, my car, and my equipment, and I’ll do whatever I want.

back-editing now? funny of how THAT wasn't the original first post in the thread.
i'm jealous of your online prowess. ok, i have more AUTHORIZATION for lights than you! want to start that kind of peeing contest?

ok, i'll stop before a mod stomps on my throat and locks it. flame at will in PM, or clean it up and post the hookup for all that stuff, so we can have something else to marvel at. I think we've already established inane levels of whacker-dom, hamsexxy-ness, ub3r 31ee7 sparkomatic blinkiness, so i think technical prowess needs to save your tailfeather. show the install.

...and, what is the total cost to you for that work? like, if you were gonna do that to another cavalier, how much would it cost? i wanna see how much of a hobby that is?

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:52 pm
Can you imagine the general public and what they think as this yahoo runs down the road?

Finish the line from the movie "The Green Mile"

"What in the BLUE ____ is that?!?!"

And I actually would like to know how many documented cases of epilepsy have been diagnosed with this setup.

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 5:23 am
by Heterodyne
Anyone save any copies of buddy's photos?

PM me if so. Bounty Paid!

Re: Chevy Cavalier Light Install

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:25 am
by nmfire10
KD5NBU wrote: I think you guys are just a little jealous because I have more lights then you, which is quite juvenile.
Bingo. Ding ding ding ding ding. Now it all makes sense. That statement is exactly what I as waiting for. By the fact he thinks we would be jelous of him because he has more lights shows that in his mindset, quantity of blinking lights is more important than what you are doing to require lights in the first place. Of course, we still don't know what that is, but you get the idea.

How old are you anyway? You seem to have the attitude of 16yr old junior firefighter that is obsessed with lights on

Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2004 6:27 am
by alex
Alright, enough is enough.
