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Am I MIssing Something - Spectra D43KMA Won't Power Up

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:25 pm
by shortsheep
I just acquired 4 of these radios and none will power up. Is there something more to it than merely hooking up the DC power cable? There's a red wire dangling from the speaker connector, could it be some sort of relay/switch from the ignition circuit? Is there something else to check, internal fuse maybe. Will a bad mic prevent the radio from powering up? Or is it likely that I actually have 4 dead radios?? Any suggestions on someone in the Seattle area for repair service, but I don't wanna pay a lot for that muffler.

Ray in Kingston

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:46 pm
by 1motoman
If the red dangling wire is connected to the DB-15 connector on the back of the radio.(the same plug that the speaker is hooked to),
it is ignition sense wire.
You need to hook it up to switched + 12 V through a 3 amp fuse.

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:46 pm
by Rick Rock
That red wire coming out of the DB15 connector that your speaker leads come out of has to have +12VDC or the radio won't power on. It's referred to as an ignition sense wire.

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 4:47 pm
by Mike B
If they are dash mount radios, then there is a DB-15 connector that has a red wire WITH a 3 amp fuse on it and a speaker connector.

The fused red wire goes to the battery positive voltage. It is designed to use a positive voltage that is already switched by the vehicle ignition switch. The exact behavior of the radio when the red ignition wire is not powered varies with its individual radio RSS programming and control head jumpering.

If they are the original type remote mount head radios, then the same DB-15 connector goes to a pig tail connector off of the control head.

There is also a newer Systems 9000 remote mount which has orange and green control head ignition/power wires.

Sometimes the simplest things...

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:53 pm
by shortsheep
Yes, that makes a lot of sense, and I should have looked past the end of my nose. I did try the ignition sense wire (and didn't smoke the radio, like is my general luck!), but I guess the radio's smart enough to realize that the sense wire needs to be connected BEFORE turning on power - duh! Now I'm happy, and all 4 radios are well and working. Thanks, everyone for your quick and professional help. Glad I joined the group.

Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2004 5:55 pm
by Rick Rock
Welcome aboard! Please make sure you read the rules of the site as to save yourself some potential embarrassment later. Other than that, Have Fun!