Need to Rent/Borrow or buy a Transmitter Fingerprinter

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Need to Rent/Borrow or buy a Transmitter Fingerprinter

Post by POVoutfitters »

Greetings, we are having constant trouble with some "yahoo" keying up on our main VHF Sheriff Department's Dispatch Repeater. Last weekend they played some of the "high points" from Full Metal Jacket, followed by 20+ minutes of a Ford "Door Open" chime.

I have attempted to track with my Doppler Systems RDF, but have not been able to catch enough transmissions to track them down with....

Does anyone have a Transmitter Fingerprinter that I could rent/borrow/buy to track this @#$% down with???

Sgt Robert Barnett
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What radios do you own?: X9000 thru APX

Post by Pj »

I would suggest a good two-way shop, but chances are that they won't have one.

What will work pretty quick, and well, is the FCC. They have zero tolerance with these idiots and I am sure that they will come out to your location pretty quick and take care of business.

Give them a call. Several people here on the board have done so and the bad guys were caught pretty damn quick.
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Post by Al »

Transmitter fingerprinters work just like the old fingerprint cards that were originally used by the FBI. Let's say that you have a transmitter fingerprint of the offender recorded. Like the old cards, unless you have previously identified a few possible suspects, you can spend a loooooong time checking transmitters to find a suspect that matches. You're better off using your RDF because hopefully it'll lead you to the geographic area and then to the exact location of the offender.
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Post by 1motoman »

What part of the country are you in ?
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Re: Need to Rent/Borrow or buy a Transmitter Fingerprinter

Post by Jim202 »

[quote="POVoutfitters"]Greetings, we are having constant trouble with some "yahoo" keying up on our main VHF Sheriff Department's Dispatch Repeater.
I have attempted to track with my Doppler Systems RDF, but have not been able to catch enough transmissions to track them down with....

Sgt Robert Barnett[/quote]

It may take a while if you try to do the tracking your self.

You should start by keeping a log as to just what time of the day or night this all takes place. Even if you pull the FCC into it, they will need the same info.

See if it occurs the same time every day. If not, then see if it follows a particular work shift. I hate to say it, but every once in a while you end up with a disgruntal person on the force. You need to eliminate or focus on the time of day.

Next is to try to see if it is from a single area or if it seems to be moving around. Better hope it stays in one place.

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What radios do you own?: Alot

Post by chartofmaryland »

You wouldn't happen to have a voting system hooked to this repeater?

eliminates ALOT

If the lights are out when you leave the station and then come on the second you key up, you know you have enough power.
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Re: Need to Rent/Borrow or buy a Transmitter Fingerprinter

Post by KG4OUJ »

[quote="POVoutfitters"]Greetings, we are having constant trouble with some "yahoo" keying up on our main VHF Sheriff Department's Dispatch Repeater. Last weekend they played some of the "high points" from Full Metal Jacket, followed by 20+ minutes of a Ford "Door Open" chime.

We had the same problem here in upstate South Carolina on our main Fire frequencys. We called the FCC and the problem was handled VERY quickly! They take a VERY dim view of someone interfering with Fire or Police radio traffic.

Best Regards,

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Re: Need to Rent/Borrow or buy a Transmitter Fingerprinter

Post by 10-95 »

POVoutfitters wrote:Greetings, we are having constant trouble with some "yahoo" keying up on our main VHF Sheriff Department's Dispatch Repeater. Last weekend they played some of the "high points" from Full Metal Jacket, followed by 20+ minutes of a Ford "Door Open" chime.

I have attempted to track with my Doppler Systems RDF, but have not been able to catch enough transmissions to track them down with....

Does anyone have a Transmitter Fingerprinter that I could rent/borrow/buy to track this @#$% down with???

Sgt Robert Barnett
Have you tried a strongly worded interenal memo?? Might be surprised at how fast it stops if someone's job is on the line! Then again, it could still be an outsider as well.

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Post by Cowthief »


20 minutes of door chimes and you can not find him?
What you do is get 3 DF units, the adcock array unit is nice but cheaper ones will work.
Now, get the units in 3 places a far amount apart.
When the transmitter keys up, get the bearings from the 3 units.
Draw a line from each of the 3 units out.
Where the 3 lines intersect you draw a circle.
This is the apex of your search.
This is called triangulation.
It takes but a few seconds to get a "fix".
You then use a near field radio to track to a few feet, inches if need be.
The more times and places the stations get a fix the greater the accuracy.
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