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What radios do you own?: Most older style legacy gear..


Post by scvfd1204 »

Is there anyone out there in batland that can tell me what this error means?

When I try to read the radio, it tells me somthine to the tune of "Error RRO Size should be 3 bytes" or something like that.

The radio has been working fine for 3 years now with no problems what so ever. It sits in a fire station and is powered up 24/7.

Any suggestions would be helpful.


Surf City NC
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Post by wavetar »

It's basically telling you there's a hardware problem with the eeprom (codeplug corrupted). Sometimes you can simply write a saved codeplug into the radio to clear it. Other times, a firmware upgrade can clear it (especially if you start the upgrade with a different radio of the same model, then switch to the defective unit when it comes time to 'bootstrap' the radio for the upgrade). If those fail, then a trip to the depot is in order.

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What radios do you own?: Most older style legacy gear..

Post by scvfd1204 »

I've tried to write a saved codeplug to the radio, but it will not work.

It gives me the same error as when I try to read the unit "RRO size should be 3 bytes" or something really close to that.

I dont really know all that much about firmware upgrades and things like this as far as the CDM and PRO/Waris series.

I dont know what could have made the codeplug become corrupted. Perhaps a power glitch or something could have caused it. The radio hasnt been touched in about a year as far as programming goes.

Kinda makes me wonder. We have 4 other radios just like this one that were purchased at the same time. Perhaps they will be failing soon? I hope not, since they are our primary radios for dispatching anf=d fireground ops.

I wish I had the ability to do firmware upgrades and such. It sure would save alot of time and trouble.

Thanks for your help.

Surf CIty, NC
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