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Anyone use the Sti-Co on a 2005 Impala?

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 3:49 pm
by Pj
We are getting a 2005 Impala soon for the DB. I was under the impression that the Impala's still had a standard AM/FM antenna on a fender, but the radio sales guy says its a window unit.

Now, Sti-Co supposely has a unit that interfaces with the window antenna. Has anyone used one, or can comment on actual performance?

Right now I am leaning back towards a cell look-a-like on the trunk. We don't want to go the glassmount way anymore.

This is will be used with IMBE VHF.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:49 pm
by KitN1MCC
i would go with am little 1/4 wave and hide it

you should see the middletown undercover cars they all have 1/4 spikes on the trunks stick out liek a soar thumb

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:24 pm
by mtr12222
Use a maxrad black cellular look a like on a trunk lip mount. Looks like a cell antenna to most but to others who know what it is it will have them guessing who you are.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:46 pm
by fire-medic8104
I don't know about using the in glass antenna, but there is a kit where you drill a hole in the fender and put in an antenna that looks like a normal AM/FM antenna.

I have had pretty good results with these. Just make sure your ground is set good, per the instructions.

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:51 pm
by 007
Impala has an embedded antenna in the upper rear glass, where the black dot matrix is.

I took off the AM/FM and hooked it to the VHF Spectra for shits and okay in high signal areas, but unless you are in a S7+ area, forget it.

Go with a wannabe-cell VHF works.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:25 am
by grinthock
The AM/FM is most definatly ON The glass...

Around here the local Provincial Police under covers have the AM/FM lookalike on the fender put in professionally, you can't tell that it wasn't supposed to be there, it's probably your best bet.

I think it looks even MORE covert than the rear glass cellular look-a-like

For ultimate covertness though, i've seen these stupid license plate things, as well as someone suggested putting one of those small 2 inch high things on the rear deck, and then put a baseball cap over it

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 3:46 am
by fire-medic8104
I have used the ones that go on the fender for about 2 years on various vehicles. I have had success in bad signal areas and good. They tend to have the same effect as a 1/4wave. The only thing is you have to drill a 1" hole, but by the time your done, no one can tell. And when you sell the vehicle you just leave the antenna in, it's vehicle and year specific so it will probably do you no good.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 8:48 am
by afterimage84
why install a mobile at all? if it is an absolute must then why bother with trying to "hide" it? your in a small enough area that you should be able to use a portable...? if stealth is key do that.

i never understood why rinkydink towns worry about such things. it's a "marked unmarked" car i am sure and within a few weeks everyone will know the car anyway.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:21 am
by ESDA20
Indeed. True survelliance vehicles are designed without any external stuff anyhow. If it's just a unmarked "traffic" or "patrol" vehicle, it'll be known in a few weeks anyhow.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 9:26 am
by Pj
Its a general use DB car, that gets used out of town quite a bit. Hence, a good antenna is preferred, but nothing quite too obvious either. We are not doing drug busts with this thing. A W3 head and some basic lighting is all that's going in.

You will be suprised on how many people haven't figure out what our current DB car looks like, and we have had it since 1996.

Rinkydink towns or large cities...same problems.

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2004 6:39 pm
Search for my posting on the 2004 IMPALA, I used a COMPROD am/fm disguise and it works great.

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 7:28 am
by k8ai
Go with the Sti-Co disguised antenna. It should be the model for the Chevy Lumina and You'll have to drill a hole in the rear quarter per Sti-Co's instructions and placement template. Looks fine.

We've been having trouble with the reliability of Comprod's disguised antennas and we went back to Sti-Co.

Curt, K8AI

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2004 2:46 pm
by davkenrem
Sti-Co Products are now all made by Comprod. I spoke to both of them 2 weeks ago. Spoke with Simon Turcotte of Comprod. He say StiCo may not have completely switched over to Comprod but will completely so when their current inventory runs out.

License Plate Antenna works Great on Impalas

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:42 am
by Sys9000
The License Plate Antenna made by US Communications in Anaheim CA works great, I have been putting them on Impalas en masse for several US government agencies, most are dual band antennas covering 162-170 and 412-419 Mhz. They make these and have a 1 day turn around on orders compared to the STICK-OHS that deliver in 3-6 weeks and work poorly.

Dont Drill HOLES..

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:46 am
by Sys9000
Also, drilling holes are not necessary, the end result is cleaner and doesnt look like a swiss cheese when you run out the car. Plus if you are going to put a phony-balony antenna on the car that screams cop, might as well drill one on the center of the roof and be-done as you will have done the equivelent

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 11:59 am
by Pj
Hmmm. Funny. I ordered the Sti-Co on Monday, came Wednesday UPS.

Looks OEM to me, and doesn't seem to give anything away.

In fact, our new Chief's CVPI came with one, and looks pretty natural.

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 7:33 pm
by chipjumper
KitN1MCC wrote:i would go with am little 1/4 wave and hide it

you should see the middletown undercover cars they all have 1/4 spikes on the trunks stick out liek a soar thumb
I agree with KitN1MCC; if you have good coverage with 800 or even 400s, get a 1/4 wav on the rear deck behind the rear window and put a grandpa hat on top of it. Detroit PD does that in some of their Impalas. Cant even tell.

Get a silly hat "Ask me about my grandchildren". Ask the Hamsexy folks for one.

I guess this explains a lot then....

Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2004 4:07 pm
by Sys9000
So many of you advocate installing radiators inside your vehicle, ever wonder where all that radio energy is going? Especially if you are sitting in the back seat doing " point "? Cooked brain anyone? Blindness, cataracts ect.. Duh. Did you think it just magically headed out the nearest window, or will it go towards an absorbant or resonate point?.. Try this little experiment, hold a small 5 inch flourescent tube in one hand and move it around inside your car while in a dark area so you can see it glow. Move it near the sheet metal, doors, near the big red wire under the carpet, all this of course when the radios keyed. Yes you can make the tube glow with your portable if you hold the portable right up to the tube...

If the tube glows anywhere near where you or your customer might sit while transmitting, chances are you or your customer is getting cooked..

Touch the ball on the end of the antenna while you key your mobile, try a sharpened pencil to see sparks/fire..

Did you really want that antenna so close to you after all?

I forgot brain tumors...

Incorrect information

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2005 5:26 pm
by omnirf
One of the earlier posts from davkenrem mentions that Comprod is now taking over STI-CO is incorrect. I recently ordered for my fleet and they are very much STI-CO. Comprod's a fine product but I much prefer the STI-CO's quality and service.

try their link: www.

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:00 pm
by medicnurse
i have a toyota tundra and am looking at both sti-co and comprod need help choosing, but it lookes like both are well liked and disliked at the same time :( please help

Posted: Tue Apr 19, 2005 5:58 pm
by omnirf
STI-CO is made in the states and Comprod in Canada. I like the STI-CO best for quality and performance. STI-CO's has an excellent SWR under 1.5:1. They also have a couple of options to choose from. You could go with a cellular type of antenna or fendermount. You might just call them and see if they can advise you what best for the Toyota. Good Luck.