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Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:35 pm
by K0DEN
ok i didnt want to carry this on another thread and since im still new here i assume its ok to post this here,

so here goes

how hard is it to get an MOL account, what should i know and what should i say?

i have signed up for it now all im waiting on is for the help desk to call me back

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:39 pm
by kb0nly
Its not that hard to get, but they will limit your access to some parts and prices will vary based upon your reasons for getting the account.

Just fill out the stuff when you get and send it in. The worse that can happen is they will say no.

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:10 pm
by RESCUE161
I for one can vouch that it was a PAIN IN THE ASS!

It took several months of getting the run around, but they finally gave me access. The only thing I needed it for was so I could get the updates for the CPS that I bought instead of having to wait to have it mailed to me.

I am glad that they did come through. I've been able to find parts easily and the prices seem to be very good too!


Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:41 pm
by kb0nly
Months? Wow, thats worse than what it took for mine. And i thought waiting a week was bad!

I applied for the account on a Monday, got the info by email on Tuesday, and emailed it back on Wednesday, and then faxed them some other stuff they wanted on Thursday, account was ready to go Friday morning.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 9:44 am
by RESCUE161
I must have done the whole "setup the account and we'll contact you" thing about 3 or 4 times. I then started calling and got the run around because I'm overseas in the military.

Motorola would NOT let me buy the CPS from US sales because I'm in Spain, so they said to call the UK office, the UK office told me to call Germany, Gremany told me to call Madrid and Madrid would refer me back to US sales (because I'm an American just "stationed" in Spain).

I must have made that loop 3 or 4 times and finally got the Madrid office to confirm my RSS agreement and sell me the CPS. Well, they sent me the outdated CPS from - guess where? That's right, Shaumburg(sp?). It went from there to NY, to UK, to Madrid and then to me via some Spainish carrier and was refused because they delivered it the supply wharehouse, not to my PO Box (which is about 20 feet from where I am at all times...??? They don't deliver to PO Boxes, but that's the only address I have, there is no physical address.

They charged me $100.00 OVER list because they did NOT do the Euro to dollar conversion and in turn charged me 265.00 EUROS instead of $265.00 dollars... :evil:

I called the States, where the disc originated from and told them what happened. This is when the MOL thing came into play. Motorola in the States refused to send me the software because a) I was out of the county and b) I didn't have a physical address. They said that I must go through the Madrid office to get the updated disc. That's when I started going through the above listed circle of crap just to get an MOL account so there would be no shipping involved.

I had just about given up when I got an email. It didn't say anything about MOL or Motorola, just said "Regarding Case Number 8392905" for the subject. I opened it, lucky too because I never open crap subject lines like that.

Well, it worked and had the CPS there for download. I went to work and got a call from the Quarterdeck saying I had a package. Go up there and there was the Spanish delivery guy with a new version 5 disc.

CRAZY stuff. Granted it should not be this bad for someone that has a physical address and is in the States/Canada.

Good luck!

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:01 am
by kb0nly
That is crazy! Sounds like the typical crap you go through with Moto though. But obviously the whole "stationed in another country" was the biggest problem to contend with.

Just wondering, how do you access the RSS on the MOL site for download? I went there today and looked around, i don't even see the RSS mentioned for sale when i browsed through.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:27 am
by RESCUE161
I see the CPS that I purchased under the main page when I log on.

As far as looking up other software for sale, you have to go to "Buying Center" and then select "browse catalog". Once you click that, it will bring up a catagory page. Click on "Radios" or whatever it's called. Then select what tyupe and then the model you're interested in. You should see under the model page a list of available options, like:



Battery Chargers and Conditioners

Call Boxes

Carrying Solutions

Ear Microphone Solutions


Remote Speaker Microphones


Surveillance Accessories


Vehicular Accessories



Cosmetic Replacement Kits

Exploded Views and Replacement Parts

Manuals and Documentation


Service and Repair


You then select Software/Programming and it gives you a screen that has this info on it:

1. RVN4098H

Conventional programming software includes 3-1/2" diskette, manual, binder and storage box
Utilizing your personal computer, this software enables you to add or reprogram frequencies as your requirements change. Requires interface box and appropiate cables, must be ordered separately.

Unit of Measure: 1 EA

Lead time days Available Your price Quantity Add To Cart

3 Y 265.00

Hope this helps.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:34 am
by kb0nly
Ahh ok, so after purchasing it, if you have a MOL account, it will show available updates for download?

Ok, i found the RSS under a few items now. For some reason it doesn't show it all on my account, only select models have the Software/Programming category.

It probably has to do with my account type or something. I can't order everything either, some items when i try to place them in my cart will show something about them being inaccessible from my account.

Its not a problem though, i can get everything i need except for some out of the ordinary parts.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:43 am
by RESCUE161
I can't wait to get back to the States, it will be SOOOO much easier then. To answer your question, yes the updates appear WAY before I ever get the hard copy disc.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 10:55 am
by RESCUE161
Still have another year or more...

Not too worried about it, but I miss REAL high-speed internet, not crap DSL like they have here, not hearing "MAÑANA - MAÑANA" and I miss being able to go to Walmart. believe it or

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:08 pm
by kc7gr
RESCUE161 wrote:Still have another year or more...

Not too worried about it, but I miss REAL high-speed internet, not crap DSL like they have here, not hearing "MAÑANA - MAÑANA" and I miss being able to go to Walmart. believe it or
Careful... DSL works very well if it's set up right. It was the only choice for me, since I couldn't afford (or justify) a T1 line, and since I had servers to host.

My entire Internet presence is, I'm proud to say, self-hosted off my DSL pipe. My upstream ISP gives me six static IP's, and I do the rest, including authoritative DNS. Going self-hosted was the best possible way I knew to deal with the ongoing spam problem. Since I run the mail servers, and the router, I get to say what traffic gets through and what gets blocked.

Now, with all that said: DSL is not the only choice for "consumer" lines, nor is it necessarily the best option. Know your requirements before you buy!

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:43 pm
by kb0nly
RESCUE161 wrote:Still have another year or more...

Not too worried about it, but I miss REAL high-speed internet, not crap DSL like they have here, not hearing "MAÑANA - MAÑANA" and I miss being able to go to Walmart. believe it or
On the subject of Wal-Mart, two nearby towns are Super Wal-Mart's now. Actually one is open across the border into South Dakota, and one is being built to replace an existing Wal-Mart just a short drive away from me.

Talk about a huge selection. And they have a grocery store section, and a full service automotive department that does oil changes, tires, etc.

DSL is speedy, nothing wrong with it. That's all i have, i can also have my choice of Cable internet, but i tried it and it sucks. Always goes to 56k comparable speeds when all the kids get home from school. And the morning rush around 7-8am is like being on a 14.4 modem.

So i stuck with the DSL, its 1500 down and 512 up. Its been down twice since i got it last November, the Cable goes down every other day, sometimes daily.

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 4:46 pm
by wavetar
My cable connection kicks ass. Approx 3000 down & 1000 up at the peak...even when it's 'slow' it averages about 1300 down. I guess we don't get the 'loading factor' experienced in the States.


Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 12:17 am
by RESCUE161
DSL here in Spain is like pulling teeth to get anything done with it. Telefonica wouldn't let me use my own DSL modem, so they made me purchase one of theirs for a crap load of money and then they password lock it so you can't modify it...

They do provide a static IP, but there are SEVERE load problems here. I get an ungodly amount of hits and attacks from Spanish IPs trying to corrupt my network. I can't figure out how to use a hardware firewall because I can't get into the modem to change the setup. Every time I call to get the password, they try and give me the IP... :evil:

My wife had AOL dial-up before we got married and it was faster than the DSL is here during peak times.

Cost here is rediculous too, $60.00. If there is a problem and you call the trouble line (Base Exchange), they say, you'll have to wait until tomorrow when the "Spanish guy" is here. The "Spanish guy" only works certain hours, so if you really want to get on the internet that night, then you have to pay for a service call. Then when they find out it actually IS their problem, you still get charged for the visit and they won't reimburse you for any down time. We were without internet for about 3 days once with absolutely no refund or anything. The bill was actually HIGHER because the exchange rate fluctuated the wrong way...

Sorry, rant off.

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 2:50 am
by K0DEN
ok guys i finally got my MOL account opened yester so happy <sniff> i can be a moto elitest now

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:18 pm
by kf4sqb
RESCUE161 wrote: Every time I call to get the password, they try and give me the IP... :evil:

Scott, just an idea, but did you try to see if maybe the IP is the password?

Posted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 9:46 pm
by RESCUE161
It's not.

I finally got someone at Telefonica to give me the password, so I changed it.