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From Me...Nick De Luca

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2005 11:29 pm
by watchbuddy
Alex: I ask that you please not close this thread for a couple of days unless this breaks any policy's. I would like the oppertunity to state my side, and to advise those that I will not be able to reply but I will remember, and respectively over time heal their losses. Nick

To all of you: :cry:

I have been going through some very extreme stress. I have lost my family, and every dime I have!...I started from a guy that tought me the trade in Inglewood, Califonia in early 2002 late 2001. He said it was all very legal, and he had dealt with "M" before. I can not get into the exact heart of the cases from "M" because I have been forbidden from such.

However I am going to deal with you all on a real honest basis. I have nothing this day, and may :cry: be looking at many years in prision do to the charges of copyright and counterfeiting. Yes I built the radios after I was shown how, and I also worked with a partner that still to this day is doing the same. He also was raided by authorities, and I am sure his life is up side down... But I really wonder? because he is still doing the same business, and selling to many of you.

Anyways that is not my business, I am hopefull he will see his ways. I want to address the matter that some people have received letters from "M" stating to return the radios which they purchased. I will repond to them as I had no records however, they did retreive some from e-bay and paypal some people won radios but they never completed the auctions. I have no idea what to tell you about that. I would say that if anyone is out money such as a couple that were seized by "M" that I will repay you completely! I have nothing! I just need some time to get back on my feet, and even if I go to prison for many of years when I get out I will repay all of you that suffered any loss do to this fault of mine! I have not slept at night, and will not until I have repaid all of you that had you equipment taken by the authorities last February...I have not tryed to recover the property they took, and hope they donate it to anything. I am and was very sick over the incident therefore I hope I never see any of it again. "They were very nice gentlemen and ladies that served the warrant, and also very respectfull of my rights. I however hope that I need not see them again in the future. I am big enough to report where I need to go. And hopefully they use that in the future to summons me but I rather doubt that they will send me an invitation to appear for criminal actions but we will see.

However some people have filed fraud complaints do to their items being seized, and I have made excuses to get them their money. I can not even pay for food for my kids, which many know that I have 5-girls and 2-boys. What I am saying is that I thoought I was helping out some good guys both brothers, and sisters in law enforcement, and amature radio, and fellow veterans but that was not the case. I turned out to be a real "S-Head" from their view. I fully understand those, and will never sleep until I mend those bridges. I have been rendered helpless do to legal, and the expense I have incurred in this screwed up Idea that I was helping others out for hobby reasons.

Plainly go straight do not cut corners yes, you may get by, but then you may not also! I had to much to loose. I lost all your respect! You all talk to me like I was a peace of "S" That is understandable, but I was taken in and given the wrong advise. My real advise would be to do what your heart feels that you should I just do not want anyone to get in trouble.

I am a man, and I stand tall in front all of you to state my story, and you can reply to yourself because I will not repond to anything. I know all that have lost their equipment and after I am punished with criminal charges I will come back and provide an address to have you make a claim then I will start my journey to repay anyone that lost in a dealing from me.

I am closing this thread with the hopes that those who are my friends stay that way, and I will be forever grateful in mending my fences, and gaining your future respect once again. It takes alot for me to come out and say:


But I will make good on it. I have said enough to have my self seriously convicted if the goverment, and "M" feels inclined to do such. I have been informed that they will do just that. I go to bed every night wondering if I am going to get a knock at the door, and when I check the mail I wonder if I am going to get a warrant to surrender. It is shear hell out here wondering if my children are ever going to speak to me again for the losses I caused them. Time will tell what is in store for me.

I am sure that many will say great he is in jail but look at the whole picture it also could be one of you guys and/or girls that could be in their for the same thing. be happy for what you have in your life TODAY and do not jepordize that ever. take this from a man that has and is learning a valuble lesson. I am the same man that today does not have much but I will take off my shirt to give to someone that has not one! I will give the last of my food to another. That man has not changed and will not ever.

So if you are concerned then please look up my case when it happens, and feel free to write me as soon as I am housed in Federal Prison. I will not fight any further I am tired and lost more then any man could imagine. Look I am at a "Kinkos" writing this e-mail because I have nothing left. So take a lesson from me and learn not to get yourself in this position. It really is not worth it.

Signed A Man With No Friends And a Family that He Ruined. From a Credit score of 812 to a score of 480. No more real estate and no nothing i lost it all. Leason leared to you all. Don't try and figure a way out for a $1000-2000 radio for hobby. Just set at home, and look across the table at your family, and friends and that my friends is what is worth taking risk for. Not dreams and/or money.

Love your family I lost mine. Love your freedom I will lose mine.

This has been typed without grammar and spell check. I am serious please understand.

Closing Asking For Your Prayers And Thoughts!

God Bless You All!

Nick De Luca Signing Off "10-7"

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:10 am
by K0DEN
holy crap

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:31 am
by Station House Products
:o :o :o Only because I don't know what else to say.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:50 am
by kc9eci
Good luck.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:25 am
by EAN503
Best of luck brother!!!!

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:39 am
by Radiogeek97
I wish you luck Nick God bless
but i still want my 925.00$ back

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:57 am
I was hoping others would have sympathy towards your situation and hopfully the courts will too .

If anything you should be proud of your character and willingness to make it right when you can get back on your feet.

Id rather be screwed by a honest person unintentionaly (such as your self)
than by a unhonest person doing it intentionaly.

I do wish you all the luck in the world and hope you do find a silver lining in all this that eventualy improves your life to the point you regain financialy and the love of your loved ones along with the respect of your friends.

PS : One good thing is you dont have to refund me anything as i never got into the high tier radio stuff you understood so well .

I stuck with the conventional Maxtracs and GP300 stuff = Liked them much better for dependability over the CDM stuff. ( but thats just my thinking)


Keep your head up and recoup a bit of your self respect = you owe and deserve that much to yourself. ( Please take that as a positive coment as i do not mean it in a bad way)

EKLB :-?

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:32 am
by nmfire10
Maybe I have a habit of always looking at the wost case scenario, but...

If he was such a crook and screwed so many people over to-date, what in god's name makes anyone think this is honest and sincere??


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 10:07 am
by jistabout
Oh My!!!


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:48 am
by Cowthief

To make it clear.
I was not "screwed" by Nick, It was /\/\ that made off with the 2 radios.
The radios were only used for parts, to get two 100% legal radios working.
Yes, nick has had his troubles, but but look at all the stuff I had to put up with from some members of the board.
Remember, I gave warning about the Motorola legal team.
Let us hope that Nick can get it together and find a good job after this is all over.
Kind of reminds me of Kevin Mitnick.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 1:03 pm
by ScannerDan
Ok, so what does it all mean ?

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 1:07 pm
by stay-con
nmfire10 wrote:Maybe I have a habit of always looking at the wost case scenario, but...

If he was such a crook and screwed so many people over to-date, what in god's name makes anyone think this is honest and sincere??

Nope, you're quite correct.

This is the standard "Perp walk confession." As in "Poor me."
Prior to getting the matching bracelets it's usually "I'm smart, look what I'm getting away with."

Nice of Nick to try and blame all his problems on somebody else. Beg forgiveness for all the people he screwed. And claim hardship with his family.

What's next? "Somebody else used a mind control ray on me."

I don't buy a single bit of it.


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 1:40 pm
by OX
Have you ever been sued and drug into court? I can sympathize with what he is going through. When you actually get sleep, it's nightmares about the whole situation. Granted what I went through was nothing on the scale to what Nick's going through.

I had a good friend who's house was raided for sharing copyrighted files. This occurred almost twenty years ago before there was 14.4K modems. He lost everything, the house, the family, everything. I never did hear from him again.

I also knew a kid in HS who's dad was a Police Chief. The kid was deep into PBX hacking and got caught. Not only did the kid go through hell, but the entire family did too. The dad lost his job and the family broke up.

I remember these and other examples all the time and that is what keeps me out of trouble.

Good luck Nick, you will need it.


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:13 pm
by Cowthief

Perhaps this is the perp walk, but he does have a point.
He says he has a family, why do you want to put the troubles on them?
I had my troubles with the Motorola legal team.
I never ripped anyone off.
I can tell you, from a first hand view, to go against Motorola is not fun.
Did I do something wrong?
Let us look at the whole picture.
Did Nick screw up, royally? yes.
Did he intend to screw up? that we do not know.
What happened to the radios?
If Motorola has all the radios, and Nick could not send the radios, that is one thing.
If he simply took the money and ran, that is another thing.
I am not upset with Nick, nor Motorola.
I simply live and learn.
Remember, AFAIK, I am the only other person to have gone on the circle M ride about this radio thing, the only other person who actually knows how it feels.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 4:37 pm
by nmfire10
Yes, you've told us how special you are many times. Thanks.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 5:23 pm
by N9LLO
I dont think he's ever told us anything. Just a lot of mindless babble!


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:00 pm
by nmfire10
I was trying to be nice.... :P

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:16 pm
by xmo
So what we are saying here is if you tangle with Motorola - after they have their way with you - the best you can manage is mindless babble?

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:39 pm
by nmfire10
xmo wrote:So what we are saying here is if you tangle with Motorola - after they have their way with you - the best you can manage is mindless babble?
Anyone wanna bet that was the case LONG before he met Motorola?? :roll:

Angry little fireman.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:50 pm
by Cowthief

NMfire10 is upset.
This is due to a little issue with a telephone call.
to make it clear, my boss got a call first.
This was right after my little tangle with circle M started.
Motorola had pulled just about every law enforcement angel that there was.
The only trouble with that was the fact was what happened to the 2 Nick radios.
The radios were used as Motorola intended, as a bunch of parts.
The radios that were rebuilt were in fact legal radios, in the military and government bands.
There was no way the radios could have been an issue for any normal police or fire department.
225 MHz to 240 MHz, yes, a lot of police and fire there.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 8:25 pm
by Johnny Galaga
How do we know this is the real Nick? Why wouldn't he post more specific information on how to look up his court cases ? How do we know this posting isn't made up by a Motorola employee who subpoena'd Nick's login info and is just posting this to scare people into sending Motorola their radios ?

One concern of mine is how far will Motorola go to get all the 'Nick' radios out there? Are they really willing to spend the time and money to go after each and every 'Nick' radio owner out there? Will it simply be a matter of being ordered by a judge to hand over your radio and you go on your merry way ? Or will Motorola also try to sue and or press charges in addition to getting the radios ?

So many questions...

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:05 pm
by stay-con
Johnny Galaga wrote:How do we know this is the real Nick? Why wouldn't he post more specific information on how to look up his court cases ? How do we know this posting isn't made up by a Motorola employee who subpoena'd Nick's login info and is just posting this to scare people into sending Motorola their radios ?
The short answer is you don't. It claims to be Nick. I could very well be Nick. However, it sounds more like he had help writing it. Farr all you know, it could have been ghost written by Patrick Harrington.

Either way, it's a hollow plea for sympathy. "Please don't be mad at me for all the trouble I've caused."
Johnny Galaga wrote: One concern of mine is how far will Motorola go to get all the 'Nick' radios out there? Are they really willing to spend the time and money to go after each and every 'Nick' radio owner out there? Will it simply be a matter of being ordered by a judge to hand over your radio and you go on your merry way ? Or will Motorola also try to sue and or press charges in addition to getting the radios ?

So many questions...
More to the point, it sounds more like a fishing expedition by Motorola, and or Harrington, to try and implicate more people. Bear in mind that Motorola has an almost unlimited bucket of money to play with and the apparent "victim" aspect to play in court.



Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:18 pm
by Fuel4300
First of all. it takes a pretty big pair of :o to get on here and post anything considering the number of people here who would love to hang Nick from the nearest tree.

I am willing to give the guy a degree of sympathy considering he probably has lost a great deal over this however it does not change the fact that, regardless of his issues with Motorola, he took TENS OF THOUSANDS from not only individuals but also government angencies for products that were never delivered!!

He seems to make an allusion to this by saying their radios were seized by Motorola but what happened to their money??


Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:40 pm
by jnglmassiv
I can't see any reason to doubt the authencity of the post. It has the rambling qualities of a man under stress and, yes, perhaps writing at a Kinkos.

Nothing is threatened, nothing is asked for. Seems like a sorry guy trying to tell the embarassing story of what happened. I'd like to think that if I were to get caught up in a bunch of trouble, I'd have the testicular fortitude to write something similar.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:50 pm
by xmo
"...More to the point, it sounds more like a fishing expedition by Motorola, and or Harrington..."

Well, I don't know if this Nick epistle is the real deal or not - but I do know SOMEBODY is fishing.

I have gotten several suspicious Private Messages that make reference to posts I have made containing comments about XTS radios. Do I have such & such? Do I know how to get hold of Mr DeLuca? etc. etc.


I have lots of radios in my possession. Lots of Motorola radios. As many as I can stand. XTS3000, XTS5000, Astro Spectra Plus, XTL.

We buy them from M by the MILLIONS of $ [aren't the Homeland Defense grants doing wonders for M's bottom line?]

I also own several M radios personally. Buy & sell them all the time, Dayton, hamfests, ebay, wherever. [I really couldn't do that when I worked there - well actually - you can BUY all you want when you work there - you just can't SELL them]

I HAVE NO NICK RADIOS. I have NO IDEA how to find him.

Patrick - if this is you - save your time. I read your IP book [well - OK - I didn't read the book - I saw the movie - S.P. still there??]

Patent, Copyright, Trademark, Trade Secrets [POPI] Maskworks.

I got the message then & still do.

Put Nick away - nobody here cares.

Treat his customers as victims - NOT CRIMINALS.

Posted: Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:50 pm
by RESCUE161
xmo wrote:Well, I don't know if this Nick epistle is the real deal or not - but I do know SOMEBODY is fishing.

I have gotten several suspicious Private Messages that make reference to posts I have made containing comments about XTS radios. Do I have such & such? Do I know how to get hold of Mr DeLuca? etc. etc.
Same here.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 12:06 am
by MattSR
Me too..
Anon wrote:Hi have you hehard of Nick @ watchbuddy? If he is still around, can you please give me his email? I need his advice on something. Thanks.
Just got this the other day via PM.... and ive never even dealt with Nick, nor mentioned his radios on here!!!

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:13 am
by Radiogeek97
I wish I did have a Nick radio, all i have is a defacit of $925.00 that he stole FROM ME AND MY FAMILY. Like I said before anybody want to go after Nick legally for theft PM me I have already filed complaints with the FBI, us-postal inspectors, CA better business, and the IFCC. Nick stole from me and others, I have no sympathy for him.


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:24 am
by Cowthief

This would seem odd, very odd.
I have had NO PM asking me where Nick is.
There were some odd PMs asking about Mr. Harrington.
What you have to remember is, Motorola's legal team knows I have no idea where Nick is right now.
Mods, check my PMs, you will see this is correct.
So, yes, this could very well be both, Nick, AND a fishing expo on the part of the circle M bunch.
Remember the message, Nick is in trouble.
Motorola was able to find Nick, to take him to court.
Now, Motorola is "looking" for Nick?
Sounds like a setup to me.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:00 am
by spectragod
xmo wrote:"...More to the point, it sounds more like a fishing expedition by Motorola, and or Harrington..."

Well, I don't know if this Nick epistle is the real deal or not - but I do know SOMEBODY is fishing.

I have gotten several suspicious Private Messages that make reference to posts I have made containing comments about XTS radios. Do I have such & such? Do I know how to get hold of Mr DeLuca? etc. etc.
I have as well, here is the PM the assclown sent me, he sent several others till I told him to f*ckoff, nice yahoo account. Maybe he will se this and fess up that his IQ is less than 50...............................

JDmhz wrote:
Hi there I saw your post and hoping we could share some information. I got myself a VHF XTS5000 radio from ebay. I think it is the same as yours which have alpha serial no. 123ABC1234 and crappy flashcodes.

My friend who is a radio dealer bought the FLASHport upgrade for the XTS5000 radio. After upgrade, it has great flashcode and included the H14 Enhanced digital ID that you were asking for. It also has ADP software encryption and other neat stuffs.

How many XTS5000 radios you have? Perhaps you can try considering to buy the flashport upgrades.


Feel free to send this idiot an email.


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:55 am
by CTAMontrose
interesting SG, i got a few PMs awhile back about the 123abc's as well.. guy wanted to know how much i spent, how i programmed it.. all kinds of very specific crap that people dont normally ask...

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:59 am
by RESCUE161
Here are the specifics on my PMs:

15 Nov 2004 17:50
JDmhz wrote:
You mean you can hack the XTS3000 flashcode? I know there is some 'nick flashcode" where every flashcode option is turned on. But it gives out problems as some of the option that is turned on cannot be used. It will jam the radio or something like that.

Do you know how to hack the xts3000 flashcode bit by bit? I mean ok if I just want to enable "digital id", then what must I do to enable that single bit? I can lookup the location in the flash decoder. But how do I hack the codeplug to do it? Thanks for your advice. Appreciate it.


RESCUE161 wrote:
We use XTS3000's here at work and they are just as good as the 5000 as far as audio quality goes. A 5000 with an abcd1234... serial number is going to be very hard to get flashed (Motorola will not just send you a flashcode for a radio that basically doesn't exist). A 3000 can be HACKED and the 5000 as of now can not. You can put any feature you want into the 3000 just like the Astro Saber. It just hasn't been found out how it's done on the 5000.

16 Feb 2005 14:47
JDmhz wrote:
Hi have you hehard of Nick @ watchbuddy? If he is still around, can you please give me his email? I need his advice on some xts radios. Thanks.

RESCUE161 wrote:
We use XTS3000's here at work and they are just as good as the 5000 as far as audio quality goes. A 5000 with an abcd1234... serial number is going to be very hard to get flashed (Motorola will not just send you a flashcode for a radio that basically doesn't exist). A 3000 can be HACKED and the 5000 as of now can not. You can put any feature you want into the 3000 just like the Astro Saber. It just hasn't been found out how it's done on the 5000.

18 Feb 2005 15:38
JDmhz wrote:
do you have any xts5000 radios? and what bandsplit are they? i was interested in buying some for my own personal use.


RESCUE161 wrote:
I do not. I have never dealt with him. Wish I could help.

18 Feb 2005 19:32
JDmhz wrote:
Yes the xts5000 are awesome radios but expensive. How much did you get them for? May I know what is the flashcode of your xts5000 VHF?


RESCUE161 wrote:
We have a few, but mostly XTS3000s, MTS2000s and HT1000s. The new radios that we're getting in are the XTS5000s. Awesome radios, but EXPENSIVE.

All VHF.

18 Feb 2005 19:54
JDmhz wrote:
Does the flashcode includes H38 smartzone? Anyway I have some good radios to sell if you are interested. I have the XTS3000 XTS5000 MTS2000 for sale.

RESCUE161 wrote:
I am not at liberty to give out the flash and I want to say the price was around $3500 or so, but I'm not to sure. Most are Model 1s.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:25 am
by spectragod
He sent me some other email as well, asking whereabouts of Nick, if I could sell him some of our agency's XTS5000's etc., the guys a idiot, or a plant.


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:49 am
by alex
JDmhz is connected to a network in Kuala Lumpur, fwiw.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:19 am
Here's my PM's with this guy:

From: JDmhz
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:23 am
Subject: xts radios
hi i saw your post about the Nick case. Have you got any xts3000 or
xts5000 radios?

My response:

To: JDmhz
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 8:45 am
Subject: Re: xts radios
No, I don't. I bought an XTS3500 from Nick in 2002 but got rid of it a
few months later.

His response:

From: JDmhz
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 9:57 pm
Subject: Re: xts radios
May I know how did you get rid of it? Did you sell it off and how

My response:

To: JDmhz
Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2005 11:30 pm
Subject: Re: xts radios
I got tired of it because it was too big and sold it at the TRW
swapmeet in El Segundo....

His response:

From: JDmhz
Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2005 6:24 am
Subject: Re: xts radios
the xts3500 was too big? yeah right....wait till you get a
Astro Saber and you can see what 'big' really is.

Really weird...

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:21 am
by CTAMontrose
that line of questioning bothers me too.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:23 am
by alex
That's odd... he's no longer registered...


Here's my PM's from him:
JDmhz wrote:hi i saw your post and hope you can help me out. do you know how SOFT ID operates and what does it do?

I know H14 Digital ID only display the ID on the display.

Not that I speak for Jaymz,

What I think he means that if both radios have the SOFT ID feature, the radio will display the name that it gets in the datastream that is sent along with the voice, and display that on the screen.

That is not translating alias's like the CDM/MCS's will do (though the CDM has a MUCH larger phonbook thankfully).

So, if you have H114 Display ID (I think that's the right H number) you will see the MDC ID's/ID's sent with digital voice, but will not get a phonebook translation out of them.

Ask on the board - that's why we have it. If everyone exchanged info by PM's no one else would learn anything.


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:55 am
by central150
alex wrote:JDmhz is connected to a network in Kuala Lumpur, fwiw.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:56 am
by Johnny Galaga
I haven't goten any such PM's.


Is there anyway to combine this thread with the one I started? That way everything will be under one topic and will be easier to find in future searches.

Just an idea.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:35 am
by alex
NO, I do not have a way of doing that, besides locking this one, and putting a pointer in the other.

Either way, they should prob. both be ok as they are for now.


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:30 pm
by mr.syntrx
alex wrote:JDmhz is connected to a network in Kuala Lumpur, fwiw.
Open proxy?

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:34 pm
by contrak10
Holy crap, the most talked about guy on this forum is speaking. Somebody call the president!!!!!

Isnt a Motorola Factory located in Malaysia?? Kuala Lumpur is the capital of that country. I know Motorola is huge in production in southern Asia, specifcly Thiland so that guy could be dirty.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:44 pm
by spectragod
I cannot believe the sympathy some people have for this turd. He either ripped them off,or a friend of theirs, and because he apoligized, you guys get all touchy feely.

I say he is getting his just reward, sure he is sorry.... sorry he got caught. Just go ahead and keep believing his B.S., it will all be good.

I can say I am glad I never bought a thing from him, he is at best, a thief. Probably even stole the time at Kinko's to post his sympathy B.S. letter

<rant off>


Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:53 pm
by 4150twoc
grem467 wrote:that line of questioning bothers me too.
Believe what you want from this, I registered to post this message anonymously...

Motorola reads this board all the time. Heck, they even partake in discussions. Members of the board: watch who you speak with!

I've had direct e-mail correspondence with this guy via e-mail. He e-mailed me and tried to sell me a XTS5000 because I asked about MDC decoding two years ago. Uh huh. Funny, the description he sent me and wording was EXACTLY the same as the following eBay listing (this has been re-listed time after time for the past couple of months). He also sent me pictures; funny I have the full-resolution versions too: ... 34195&rd=1

He sent me the same description and pictures. Really, read it carefully.

MOTOROLA uses names such as "Johnny", "Mark Connor", "Mark Radios". I had a couple e-mails from them... each time, they came from an IP based out in Asia... the LAST partial e-mail header is as follows:

Code: Select all

Received: from [] by via HTTP;

Funny, when you resolve it seems to be coming from a proxy/gateway at Motorola. =>

Just a heads up.

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 9:31 pm
by mr.syntrx
We offer 'free' programming of trunking systems and channels with our latest version 5 software
What would the owners of your local SmartZone public safety system say if Motorola programmed up a radio for their system and sold it to you? :D

Posted: Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:36 pm
by thebigphish
spectragod wrote:I can say I am glad I never bought a thing from him, he is at best, a thief. Probably even stole the time at Kinko's to post his sympathy B.S. letter
that's giving him too much credit. Kinkos around here is run by the bright-shirt nazis that would never even let a freeloader sit on the chair, let alone mooch time off them. They are fanatical, time monitoring zealots that would skin this guy alive before he even got to the third word on that horrendous drivel he posted.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 6:00 am
by irish.bug
4150twoc wrote:

Code: Select all

Received: from [] by via HTTP;

Funny, when you resolve it seems to be coming from a proxy/gateway at Motorola. =>
When you resolve it comes up as Malaysia as well......

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:16 am
by ScannerDan
And here is another good internet investigative tool. It's used by LEO's alot and it's free ond open to the public.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 8:57 pm
by nitornemo
central150 wrote: Knock, knock... "Who's there?" "Go f$#k yourself!

Hit the nail on the head for my reply to Missster DeLuca and/or his Phishing trip.

Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2005 9:32 pm
by central150