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KVL T3020 for DES or DVP? Question!

Posted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 8:27 am
by petrus
Ok guys, just interested in some facts to know for sure.

I'm always loading keys to my SABER DES modules with the KVL T3020. The one I always use has no label.

I got another in stock, I found a couple of days ago wich has a label on the back shown in the picture below.
As You could see the label shows "DVP Code Inserter".

<img src=" Label send.jpg">

My Question to those, who are specialists:
• It is possible to load keys to DVP modules with this KVL?
• It is possible to update this KVL to load DES-XL modules?

Thanks a lot for answering.

Best greetings

... there are some rumors ... depending switching the dip settings to load different modules ...
Does anyone know any facts? My settings are shown below. Thanks.

<img src=" DIP Settings send.jpg">

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 7:02 am
by petrus
an aditional question:

Does sombody know the difference between the KVL T3020 version AX and BX?

Thanks again

Posted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 9:18 pm
by jnglmassiv
My Question to those, who are specialists:
• It is possible to load keys to DVP modules with this KVL?
• It is possible to update this KVL to load DES-XL modules?
Its not possible to load keys to a DVP module using a DES loader. The hybrids are completely different. Another difference is the keypad. The DVP loaders had the limited keypad (0-9) while the DES units have the full keypad (0-9 + A-F). It IS possible to upgrade some DES or DVP loaders to DES-XL if they are new enough. There are some differences among the AX-DX PCBs that might not allow an AX board to be upgraded in this manner.

The switches were explained once in a post I can't find at the moment. One of them is to allow upgrades, say from DVP to DES-XL (or, more likely, factory settings). For this upgrade, the hybrid, keypad, and firmware EPROM will need to be replaced and the dip switch positions altered.

Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 12:00 am
by petrus
Ok, thanks for reply jnglmassiv.
I already read that link You'll find here at ... p+keloader
it sounds a bit confused to me.
Thank You very much.


Posted: Tue Sep 20, 2005 2:32 pm
by jnglmassiv
Dip switch settings

switch # 3 set to the middle or x , switch # 2 set to 0 for DVP ...I know when switch 3 is 0 or 1 its DES on those models . Switches 4 and 1 deal with bit rates and I would have to look them up but I believe settings of 1 1 is the 9.6 rate. Hope that helps..
That was the older post I was talking about (since when can we include 3-letter search terms like DES and DVP?) but on reread, I agree with your 'confused' assessment.

Thought: Is there a middle switch position, ie not 'on' or 'off'? That is how his post reads but that's not how dip switches I'm familiar with work.

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 12:44 am
by petrus
first time i looked for a middle switch position ... but I couldn't find, that's why I'm a little confused.

There is NO middle switch position.


Switch settings

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:23 am
by 1 Adam 12
I got that information from one of the techs... but last nite I went and looked at the service manual and you are correct, the switch is either in 0 or 1 position. You are correct that there is no middle postion...
The x came from the sevice manual which has a dip switch chart and shows an "x"for the number 3 switch position when it refers to DVP. Some will have to look at a DVP manual to see whether the switch is set as open or closed. According to the manual the AX and BX have the same parts and component list... however there are two schematics for the board circuits, but all other settings and references match between the two. But as mention with the exception of the KVL 3000 series, the earlier keyloaders could not do both DVP and DES without hardware changes.

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:59 am
by petrus
ok thanks 1 Adam 12

best greetings