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Posted: Fri Nov 18, 2005 8:19 pm
by Rickc
A couple friends have 900MHz (896-941) LTS sets, GTX program cable, and GTX RSS between them. From the little I've found it looks like there may be some MDF 'adjustments' to make to get the GTX RSS to work for the LTS, certainly it doesn't seem to work for them as is. Units are just three bricks in the corner for now.

Any insight is valued.


LTS for 900 Mhz..

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2005 9:40 am
by AEC

I doubt you'll get the GTX RSS to work with the LTS series radios.

Even with manipulation of the .MDF, you will not get the operation or splits you will need to get that radio to perform on 902/927.

Find some GTX portables instead, those are the easiest by far, to set up and use on 900 than any others, aside from possibly the MTX9000 Jedi series.

Stay away from the MTX900 series, they do NOT work well on ham 900 without MAJOR surgery.

Same really goes for the Maxtrac series, you have to change filters, blank the board and initialize as a 900 radio if you have the RSS that has the 900 feature.

The GTX portables and mobiles are THE radios to get here.

Previous versions of lab, and standard release RSS do not work, you need modified version 4 of GTX RSS, but save the earlier RSS though, just in case you find a need for it in the future.

Once you read/write the radio with Version 4, you CAN NOT use earlier versions of RSS, that's the one penalty you live with.

Re: LTS2000

Posted: Thu Oct 18, 2007 11:47 pm
by AEC
The LTS series will not work with GTX RSS, the model not supported error will pop up...I've tried this myself out of curiosity and had that message pop up for my effort.

The radio is identical in that you can take the LTS 900 Mhz. protable out of its LTS case and use a GTX controller and it will work fine, but you can't use GTX RSS on any LTS portable or fact you can't use GTX RSS on any LTS models either.

I had three LTS portables from the same system, and one was labeled: TOMBA for some odd reason, and when I attempted to read it with the LTS RSS, I had the 'model not supported' message pop up on the there was a difference between models, probably smartnet and non smartnet radios on the same system, but unused.

The TOMBA radio core was swapped into a GTX case and used on ham instead, and I swap out the LTS controllers and use the LTS cases to replace the beat up GTX cases I had(beside, they look much nicer too).

Re: LTS2000

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 3:40 am
by MSS-Dave
and one was labeled: TOMBA for some odd reason
Just a FYI... Tomba is Tomba Communications from New Orleans. They have/had a 900 LTR system in several locations in that area...


Re: LTS2000

Posted: Fri Oct 19, 2007 7:21 am
by AEC

Thanks for the info!

I didn't know what that name was about, but now I do...funny a radio should show up here with that on the label though.

*Forrest gump* 'Radio is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you'll find'

And to think it came from an active 900 system here in the valley too......Hmmm *scratches head*