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Need later firmware in MTS2000 - Best way?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:47 pm
by rodell
I have a MTS2000 with 05.44 firmware that needs to be above 6, I believe, to enable MPL. (H01WCH4PW1CN)

Any thoughts about the best (and fastest) way to get this done? I only need to do this one (for now)!

Another interesting twist: This model doesn't report anything in the service menu on powerup relative to the flashcode. It works fine on the trunking systems, though.



Need later firmware in MTS2000 - Best way?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 6:55 pm
by J.Sanor
"Any thoughts about the best (and fastest) way to get this done?"

From the FAQ page:
"Can I request firmware?
This question comes up on occassion. The answer is no. It falls under the same category of RSS."

I'm not saying you are asking for firmware but looks like the only way is thru the MSS or Depot

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:15 pm
by OX
The flashcode is on the bottom of the label on the rear of the radio in very small print. The flashcode sometimes doesn't display, I think this is because the radio has the original flashcode that it left the factory with.

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:46 pm
by rodell
I am definitely NOT asking for firmware. I simply wanted to know if it is a dealer, depot (in Mexico?) or other option. I've not faced one that I couldn't just order the firmware and do it, but, I don't generally handle MTS models.

This particular radio is not to be "hacked" due to its application.


Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:47 pm
by rodell

Yes it is, right there! Bifocals required, though!


Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 7:01 am
by rodell
Ok, for those who are interested in my non-request for a firmware upgrade, I've found four out of four MSS I contacted in the Northeast declined to do this, all but one offered to send it to the depot for this upgrade for $25 plus their cost.

It is on its way now, but, I skipped the MSS. I have a M account, so, I just did it directly.


Posted: Sat Mar 04, 2006 10:44 pm
by MTS2000des
that's about the only way to get a f/w uplift for an MTS2000 I know of. It's crazy, I walked in with my XTS3K and had the DSP upgraded on the spot no questions asked (one of the pluses of having a tagged, non-hacked factory Astro versus a whored out tagless Nick POS) for an uplift two hours later and 40 bucks I was out the door.

But when I inquired about updating a 5.44 VHF MTS it was the same song and dance you're getting...