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cdm1250 Dual Head Issues?

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:15 pm
by bandaidken
I've been told recently that MOTO is not selling the dual head kits for the CDM1250's because there are issues with the quickmount that cause intermittent power problems with one of the remote heads.

I"m told we can try as some installs have had no problems, but that's rolling the dice if we can even get the parts.

Issue for me now is how to outfit a command vehicle. It needs three dual head radios...if I cannot use a dual head radio, then I'll have 8 antennas on the Expedition. That's too many!

The other issue is that we want to go Moto because we are moving towards the use of the mdc1200.

So, current option is to install six radios and install a a switch for every paired radio to limit it to one antenna.

Any other ideas?

Need moto with MDC and three dual heads.


Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2006 7:53 pm
by Al
M may or may not be selling the dual head kits for the CDMs, but most likely the manufacturer, Valley Industrial in California still is: try looking at or calling them to check on the rumors you've heard about the dual head kits.


Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 5:10 am
by JD
I called Motorola this week, tech help line. I asked the same question and the young man said he knew nothing about this, but the kit number was on hold until an issue was worked out. I thanked him. In about 15 miniutes he called back and said he found a service bulliten that said the dual control kit was causing the radio to lock up, Motorola was working with the vendor.

I then called Valley Industrial. I asked about this issue, they could not discuss the issue, however they would sell me a dual control kit for the CDM and stated their should be no problems.

Doesn't make sense. I have had the last 3 kits have the front control head go blank while the vehicle is moving. They have to shut off the vehicle main battery switch to get the radio to work. I reprogrammed the radio for follo ignition only, it is wired directly to the main battery master switch. Problem fixed !!! I hope anyway.

Posted: Fri Jun 16, 2006 2:47 pm
by Garyf629
I have about a dozen of these dual head kits in service, most on CDM 1550's.
The only problem I've ever had was when someone at a dealership switched the wiring to power the radio/Quickmount box from directly connected to the battery, to switched on with the ignition. Then the radios would lock up.

If you follow Quickmounts instructions, and connect the both the radio's main power, and the Quickmount box directly to the batteries. Use the ignition sense to turn the radios on/off. You should not have a problem.

Just remember when you key up one mic, the other is also live!

Posted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 4:10 am
by bandaidken
Thanks for the information. I'm going to have them install it as a dual head keeping in mind the power issues you have mentioned.

My installer discussed the dual open mic's and said that he usually wires it so that this won't be an issue. I"m sorry I don't have more information on how.

Thanks again

Follow up

Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 7:06 pm
by bandaidken
FYI, all three dual head cdm1250's have been working for five months without a flaw.

Thanks for your help


Posted: Thu Nov 23, 2006 7:40 pm
by Firebuff66
Motorola will not sell the CDM dual had kit anymore, too many problems. Quick mount still sells them.
Our customers are going with Kenwood 690/790/890 series dual head with the MDC1200 option (they also now come in digital P25..Go kenwood)
Also you can do dual head dual radio for the kenwood, so (VHF/UHF) or (Low/VHF) or (Low/UHF) in same head & dual headed... you can have 2 heads in the back 1 with Low 1 with VHF/UHF