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MTS2000?? with no firmware??

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:09 pm
by dittrimd
I supposedly have a MTS2000 UHF low range full display limited keypad. It has been recased so there are no original tags. When I initiate the test mode I get R01.40/H01RDF9PW1BN/466ATJ0765 then right into RF TEST. The model number also suggests it is a MTS2000 but with no flash code it has me puzzled. I can read and write the radio with no problems on 6.7. Any way to further decipher what I have. I am assuming I will have to pull it apart and get the numbers of the individual components.

The radio does work well and I hope to put it on a monitor to test power and RX sens. THere is a problemreceive well it is subject to interference from other RF sources. One such source is our local police departments repeater. They have Midland Syntech I 40 to 50 range 100 watt radios with the UHF repeater. When ever they activate their repeater my radio starts squelching on any of the channels on scan. It is not limited to just one channel other wise I would say it could be freuqnecy related. Could be the PL decoder but I am not sure.I have not dug any further so any help would be appreciated.



Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:27 pm
by Bruce1807
My guess is you don't have a MTS2000 but an early MTX8000 or an 838
Later versions of these radios displayed a flash code.
Have a look at the radio information screen.
Also does the real serial number (from RSS) start with a 466 or a 511?

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:53 pm
by AEC
Here's the breakdown of your model:


R: 438-482 Mhz.

D: 4.0-5.0 WATTS








As for your squelch troubles, the only way to see what the trouble is, is to get into the service menu and check the settings as reported by the RSS, and with a service monitor, set the levels that suit your needs as well as make the radio perform to spec.

You can always adjust the squelch break points to a level that keeps the radio quiet, but allows the radio to hear important traffic, set too high, you'll miss the information as the radio will not unsquelch on a good but weak signal.

Too bad all services don't use tone on transmit as well as receive, that would clean up a lot of crap.

Ham repeaters are the worst offenders of this.....PL the receive, but never the transmit....WHY?

Tone it it PL or DPL...TONE THE SYSTEMS!

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:29 pm
by dittrimd
In RSS under radio programmig history I have a line that says software option H36 and the serial number starts with 466.. I cannot find where the flash code is in RSS. Any ides.



Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 1:59 pm
by Mfire39
You have one of two things.. Either A, you have an MT/MTX controller that had an MTS codeplug dumped in it, or B, it's a real MTS that has very old firmware. If it is a really old MTS with low firmware, then the flashcode will not show up when you put the radio into test mode. I have seen MTS2000's with firmware in the mid 5"s not show a flashcode during test mode. I don't think it will show up until you get into the 6's with the firmware.

One way to get the flashcode out of it is to read it with MTS2000 CPS. But even then, if you had a hacked MT/MTX with an MTS codeplug in it, you will still see a flashcode with MTS CPS. You could always pop open the housing and inner shield and see if the controller board has a plug on it for a secure module. If it has a plug for one, then it's prob a true MTS. Hope this helps a little.


Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 2:08 pm
by Bob
Is there any possibility it's a parts-built radio? One of the common things to do is to take a cheap MTX controller, put a the appropriate RF deck on it, blow an MTS2000 codeplug into it, and call it an MTS2000.

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 3:52 pm
by dittrimd
I am sure that someone has posted the information to tell the difference. Anyone have part numbers and locations in the radio to identify which controller I might have. I will tell you that I did have to do the front panel replacement due to the pixel problem. Now that I have a new board in there the display works great.


Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 6:26 pm
by RadioSouth
Like Mfire said, take a look at the controller it it has the extra socket (for the secure board) you probably have a MTS2000. You can also look up the controller part #, believe it was Wavetar that posted the entire list. Do a search like jedi controller or similar and you should bring it up. I have a R05.03 MTS2000 that does not list flash code either, might have been when the toolproof controllers entered the picture that the flashcodes started showing.

Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 6:40 pm
by Josh
an MTX8000 that I used to have showed "flashcode 000000-000000-0" in test mode, if that helps identify anything.

I also believe you have a very early MTS2000.... the 'T' in the serial number denotes 1993 manufacture, which may be before flashport was perfected. The good news is that if you have this really old radio, you can use the Depot tool to get all the features.


Posted: Sat Jun 24, 2006 8:42 pm
mfire and radiosouth...
If it has a plug for one, then it's prob a true MTS. Hope this helps a little.
un true...

i have 3 mtx 8000 boards with the socket as do some ht 1000s...

we all know ya cant dump a mts into a ht, thus it could be a mts, mtx or mt2000...

as for the flash,

my mts...432avn0446 never displayed the flash, however from the rss it was determined that it had radio inhibit...

but as to the mtx-mts....ive swapped logic boards from mtx into ht1000 to get the 48 channel with future display option...

its real easy to dump the mts into it, however i firmly believe that he hsould s-record save [if he has the ability] and back up the codeplug..

i have encountered quirks here and there and bricked a couple of mts due to carelessness....

but thats just me...

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 12:22 am
by MTS2000des
I had an early I mean early MTS2000 800 which had a 1.10 controller.
It did have a secure board connector but one thing that made it the original board was the old style interconnecting flex between the controller and RF board. They stopped using this in early 1994 and went to the connector with jumper.

It was a real MTS, with a serial number similar to yours (466ATLxxx which I thought was neat being that I live in ATLanta). It worked great and I sold it was we're on P25 now and I don't believe that radio was a rebanding capable MTS anyway being the controller was so old.

Usually another way to spot an MTX hack is the lack of the RF switch. Some older MTX's have it, but most of the 800 and 900 MTX radios lack the switch a telltale giveaway. Of course someone could have always swapped an RF board from a 2-channel HT1000. I've seen people do this. I guess they think you'll never know but you'll find out quick if you ever use a public safety mike or JVA.

Posted: Sun Jun 25, 2006 3:23 am
by wavetar
The Jedi "master list" of board part numbers is actually a sticky in the Hardware forum, so it's easy to find.

I recall someone posting that the CPS can read a "converted" MTX8000 radio, but realizes there's a problem when you try to write with it, and gives some kind of error. RSS does not do this. So, that's another way you might be able to find out.
