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Trunked Radio - Which Scanner is best
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 11:32 am
by spareparts
The facility I work at is a legimate user of the NJSP trunked system (HERN). We need to specify a means to monitor:
28336 HOSP OPS HERN Statewide Operations
Nice to have:
27408 MICU STATE MICU Radio Network - Statewide Hospital Emergency Radio Network
27440 MICU TACTICAL 1 MICU Radio Network - Tactical 1 Hospital Emergency Radio Network
27472 MICU TACTICAL 2 MICU Radio Network - Tactical 2
Had considered adding another Zetron 208 remote, but the cabling costs make it a tough sell
Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 4:41 pm
by stvnd53
Buy a Maxtrac Trunk radio.With digital control head,and a 16 pin board.There're very cheap.And there is no scanner that it!
why waste money on a Scanner that will do all bands,weather,and all the other stuff you do not need.
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 12:00 pm
by AEC
My first question is: Is this a digital/Apco system?
If YES, then a Maxtrac will not work as it is incapable of digital operation.
Also, the 'Tracs don't have enough systems/channel capacity, which also renders them ineffective on the more modernized wide coverage networks, especially with simulcast statewide operations.
As for a scanner, I'd probably select the Uniden 396 as it is digital capable, as well as analog and it is compact and can easily be used anywhere without problem.
Cost is another factor as the Uniden 396 is about $500.00 a copy.
If you could get away with Maxtracs, what's the actual operational cost to acquire, program and power the 'stack' you would probably need as well, not to mention the power supplies, grounding and so on...and the table/shelf space these would require as well.
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:48 pm
by Pj
NJSP is comprised of 3 SmartZone systems (not Omnilink) and is rumored to be slowly swtiching to an ASTRO system, but its been that way for a few years now with no known change.
If you are a legit user, and using a radio there, see if you can add the talkgroups into a scan list, and put your primary talkgroup in as a priorty scan member so you don't miss calls.
Other than that, any old trunking scanner will work. If NJSP is indeed going to go digital and you want to stay ahead, look at spending $500 for a digital scanner vs $100 or so for an analog only scanner.
Trunking Scanner
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 3:02 pm
by Jim1348
Since you suggested by your title that you are looking for a scanner, I just got a Uniden Bearcat BCD996T and I am putting it through its paces. I think it works very well and would probably satisfy the specified purpose.
Posted: Sun Aug 20, 2006 3:05 pm
by spareparts
We have an NJSP Astro Spectra (L99DX+259L) with 2 Zetron 208 Tone remotes. The third location (alternate EOC) would require ~750 feet of cable and an RTNA circuit from Verizon. I'm trying to make sure I have covered all the options to reduce the cost.
BTW, I played with a cisco 2600 router with the LMR / IP option with less then adaquate results as well.
Posted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 10:02 am
by N6ATF
Pj wrote:look at spending $500 for a digital scanner vs $100 or so for an analog only scanner.
You're talking new, right? I got my RS Pro-2050 for $50 used in working order.