Repeater Test panel???????

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Repeater Test panel???????

Post by K8SWR »

I know where i can get a Repeater test panel, would this work with my flexar unit or does it take a certain one??????????
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Post by Will »

The Flexar just needs a one volt range meter with a couple of wires and a switch. That is usally a 50ua meter and a 20k series resistor calibrated to read one volt full scale.
The test pannels, that were originally designed to meter the old A & G series radios had 7 or 8 50 ua meter movements calibrated to one volt FS, were modified to do Motracs, Micors and up to the MSR2000 repeaters and Mitreks. The advantage was to be able to read the six metering points in the receiver or transmitter and the plate current/voltage in the transmitter final at the same time. There was a portable version meter set that has one large meter and the switching for the 7 metering points and B+ in a nice wooden case. There was even a mic jack and a TX button.
Radios like the Maxar/Flexar can be aligned with one meter, switched between three or four points in the radio accessable thru the 15 pin connector on the back of the radio(s). There was a cable set to plug into the radio, with a jack for the power cable and a cable going to the multi pin cinch connector on the meter pannel or portable meter set.
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