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Converting a Maxtrac 42-50 for 6 Meters --

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 12:55 pm
by fsteurer
Hello Maxtrac fans. Does anyone know where the frequencies are buried that are used for the 16 settings of power out? It seems to me, and correct me if I am thinking wrong, if some or all of those 16 frequencies could be changed to include up to 54 Mhz, then one could set the power out without dinking with the output filters.

Many thanks for your thoughts.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 6:34 pm
by phrawg
Well, setting the frequencies wont correct for the physical non-resonance
of the hardware. Still must be done. I have set up many of them for
6 meters. Not at all difficult. When I am done they are +/- 5 watts
of norm across the 6 meter band. Then I use 6-32 brass screws
in the front end coils to better the rec front end. Not necessarily
do all coils get one. You have to experiment a bit. Usually 3-4
coils get one, Some dont need or arent effected by a screw. In that
case leave it out. After I do this, I go thru the alignment and set
power. Usually I need to turn it DOWN so the final does not run away.
I have seen 80-85 watts happen ! I assume you have already hacked
the rss to input these freqs. Phrawg