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MT2000 Out of band fix

Posted: Sat Jun 29, 2002 8:12 am
by N2YP
I have modified the mtsx.obd file as suggested. I want to program my MT2000 to receive 485 mhz. I have an MT2000 AN model (403-478)
Using the find command in Hex workshop, I have changed every "470" to 512. When I connect to the RSS, I still get the "Frequency out of range 403-478" error. I'm stuck, any suggestions out there?

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2002 7:57 am
by wavetar
Maybe you're doing the same thing I did the first time I hacked MTSX RSS. I copied the entire MTSX directory to another folder, so I could make sure I still had the original in case I screwed it up. After modifying the RSS, I would run it & still couldn't get it to accept to out of band frequencies. Even posted about it here. Then I realized that I was using the copied MTSX.BAT file to start the RSS, which was still pointing to the original folder (C:\mrss\mtsx), NOT the hacked RSS.
