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Microphone cord twist mystery? How to Unwind?

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:34 pm
by Max-trac
OK, how the heck does a mic cord get that twist way out in the middle???

The cord looks fine otherwise, but if I slowly and tediously unwind the kink back to the end, then that portion IS ALL DISTORTED, IE it has a different tightness to it.
I know someone did not twist it a bunch of times to get it in there.

How did it get there, and how do you unwind it without distorting the coils????
( I am guessing it has something to do with stretching it way out, but I cannot figure it out).

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 4:33 pm
by HLA
it's been stressed in the middle and the individual wires in the cable have shifted. so when you undid what you thought was the problem you actually 180'd the correct wrapping but didn't fix the problem. that's why it don't look right even tho it's all spiraled again. that made sense to me, i hope it did to everyone else too. i know what i mean, i just couldn't think of how to say it?

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:57 pm
by Rayjk110
Usually, I just twist the crappy part kinda "around" sorta. I don't know exactly how to say it, but it pisses me off when it happens.

I usually find those "twists" in the middle of mics that I pull out of my Radius mic box whenever I loan a mobile and the mic's are all tangled together.

Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 6:10 am
by phrawg
Actually it is no mystery. THEY BREED !!!!! When you find
one like that it is simply that you caught then soon enough
after they completed the act, that they did not have time to
let the stiff internal wires return to a proper relaxed state and
let the cord return to original form. Lesson learned by this
is never leave the viagra bottle near the mic cord box or you will
have a whole new stock of non-coiled public safety mic cords !!!!!

Of course then I also have this patch of land in central America
that has a glacier setting on it that I want to sell :roll: :D :D :D

Thought you all might enjoy a spot of humor. Phrawg

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 6:18 pm
Enjoyed the others, but a serious answer --

Take the errant part of the loops and manually twist them, one at a time, to curve in the same direction as the LONGEST part of the bulk of the cord.

Start by making the first loop to add to the longest part, and just keep twisting the bad loops around the other way, one by one, adding to the aligned ones you are now are stacking up.

Work your way all the way out to the other end.

Since you've already done the whole cord, look for the side of the loops that show the most abrasion. That will become the outer side of the loops when correctly spiraled. It might take a while for the vinyl to tighten back up into its original molded shape.

How did the mismatch get in there ? Usually at the mic head end, the cable gets stretched during use right at the first loop. Continued handling will put that loop and several others out of phase, and the renegades just travel out of the way to a quieter part of the cord.

Happens on my telephone cords too. I made a research project out of it during a particularly boring call I was on.